My boobs are high up!! Woah!!!
I've been wearing 2 over-worn, stretched-out bras that don't have enough immediate projection, so I'm used to bras sitting too low. I've been working out and fighting against my sugar addiction, so suddenly my body has been changing. Suddenly my breasts are smaller and higher again. It's nice to have a bra with a firm band. I can actually keep the underwires up against my breasts!! The better cup shape helps too. With my band higher, a 28 band almost feels too high. I have a V shaped ribcage, so if I wear a band higher, a 30 might be better. But this 28 band stretches to my loose rib, so it's comfortable! The one thing that has always hurt in this bra style is the center gore. OUCH. Still haven't worn it for a full day of work yet. If I could, I'd change the underwires and move the straps in. I don't look super projected in T-shirts, but overall really glad I have a Marcie that fits in my wardrobe again." alt=":)" />
Updated on Jan 18, 2018
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