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Bra » Fantasie » Zoe Side Support Bra (9262) » 30G » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band79.0
Band Length64.0
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width16.5
Cup depth27.5
Depth ratio1.7
Wire length28.0
Cup height21.0
Cup separation2.5
Gore height9.0
Wing height10.5
Strap width2.0
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Didn't fit

Fantasie is one of those brands that keeps breaking my heart. This is the third bra of theirs that *almost* fits, but it doesn't.

I ordered Zoe because by measurements it's very close to Fantasie Alex Side Support Bra (9152) but the problem I had with Alex is that the mesh lace in combination with embroidery on it made for some weird cutting in at the top of my breasts. Zoe has stretch lace at the top of the cups, so I figured, why not.

Now, please note I never went for a 30 band, I ordered two bras and both of them came in 30G instead of 32FF. I'm not sure what happened there, but the problem, as it turns out, is not in the size of the band, as (demonstrated by a photo) there is a fair amount of give on a 30 band in my case.

The cups of Fantasie bras seem to just be all wrong for me. This is heartbreaking as their bras are not only very comfy but also the wires are just right for me. The cups are incredibly closed on top, and I think even with stretch lace on Zoe it's just a little too much. Maybe I could take out the elastic at the trim and it would be better? I am not sure because I fear it might deform the cup and it will gap. They are 4-part cups, very deep at the seam where stretch lace meets the solid cup. I'm not sure if going up a cup would solve my issue as already I feel like the cups might be a little big for me, there seems to be empty space at the deepest part of the cup. It feels like the 'bigness' is distributed wrong, is all. The silhouette these cups give is also not very appealing, in my opinion. The boobs look extremely pointy. They also give this east-west look rather than front and center and I wonder why it's called a 'side support' bra when it really supports nothing on the side.

The gore is wide, but not uncomfortable to me. It tacks, there's not much more to say about that. I will say for close-set boobs I would never ever recommend this. The gore is very tall (not as tall as Alex, though), and it's wide throughout.

The straps are a little too wide set. Maybe this is a 30G thing? The straps on Alex 32FF seemed just fine, but these (and this is a first for me, and now I finally understand what most women complain about) are actually painfully cutting in to my tail of spence. Maybe it's a matter of getting used to it but I don't see myself getting used to this soon.

I think, with Zoe, I am done with Fantasie bras. On a different note, it seems I lost a ton of weight because I'm rocking a 30 band like it's nothing. Lol. Oh and the red colour is beautiful. I've been looking for a bright red bra, and if this actually fit the way it was supposed to, it would have been the winner.

Red colorway

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Oct 10, 2018 Flag this

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  • Show all comments (11)
  • I think you may be on to sonething here. When I was a 32G (for like 10+ years) I wore Fantasie almost exclusively and they were great in every way. When my size changed & I tried their 30HH then 30J 30JJ 30K, the new bras were just not a great fit at all. There was a big difference between the cups on the 32 and 30 band. It was a big shock that I couldn't wear my tried and true brand after so many years.
    I loved Zoe, it was so comfortable but only came up to a J cup which was too small. It was very minimizing as well, though that could also be due to the cup being too small?
    I think (but can't say for sure) that the side support is to lessen the underarm breast bulge. It seems like all the Fantasie bras in a G and above are labeled as side support, as all mine were if I recall correctly.

  • 1

    Yes the inconsistency between sister sizing is very confusing to me. This one just feels disproportionate. Alex, save for the issue with the lace, feels like it fits in the right places. Jacqueline is just way way too small in 30G.

    The minimising part of Zoe I can feel at both the top of cups and the bottom (Alex just feels minimising throughout). However, in the middle, the deepest part, it's just like there is extra room. I can imagine maybe the push and pull interaction of firmer breasts and this bra would give a nice shape. Unfortunately for my soft tissue it seems to be a disaster.

  • I understand that. While I do have under the muscle implants, they are well hidden under squishy post breastfeeding natural tissue so effectively full soft and uncooperative. (We'll leave out the fact that they are also on my aging 45 year old body which adds to their squish...... ;-) )
    I'm just glad I found Ewa bras. They are not perfect but they are the closest I've come to bra perfection.

  • 1

    Honestly, I want to bang my head against the wall for even trying ALL these other brands when I found that EM bras fit me well.
    But what bothers me is that I'm a creature of habit and her practice of discontinuing bras in a very short amount of time doesn't mesh well with that at all, lol.

  • FWIW Ewa doesn’t run out of fabric for her tan bras, heh.

  • Or her basic line. Black, White, & Beige seem to be there forever, while she obviously buys less materials for the bright, bold, & beautiful varieties. She must feel there is more demand for the neutral colors and thus less risk of them not selling. Yet the others do sell, & often insanely fast, so it really doesn't seem like a risk to have a bit more supply available. ......

  • The reds seem to always be in stock too. I just don't find any of the red colours that appealing.

  • Yeah, I'm not a big red fan either, but their red BMs aren't bad. The BM Bibi Flamenco is gorgeous in person.

  • This one looks like a better fit than the purple one, but still both don’t seem to be quite right for you, sadly.

  • 1

    I've learned my lesson with Fantasie Calluna

    MamaPagan The Flamenco I like a lot actually, but because of how much smaller Bibi Bezova Perla runs than Bibi Black in the cup, I'm scared to order it. Bezova Perla feels like it's half a cup smaller than Bibi Black, but it could also be a sister sizing inconsistency (Black is in 80E, Bezova Perla is in 75F).

  • Flamenco will fit like Bibi Black, or it did in my experience. Both are more open on top which allows for more upper breast space for sure. The half lace BMs hug the top of the breast better, giving more of a secure feel to them.

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