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Bra » The Little Bra Company » Ethel (3889) » 30C » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length61.0
Stretch ratio0.0
Cup width12.7
Cup depth16.5
Depth ratio1.3
Wire length16.5
Cup height11.4
Cup separation2.5
Gore height3.8
Wing height8.9
Strap width1.3
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I love this bra. I actually own it in every colour it comes in.
I'm a big fan of TLBC, even if sizing is a bit hit or miss. They run a full cup and band size small and sizing is not consistent across the brand (Like seriously, if I'm a 30C in one bra you make, I should be a 30C in every bra you make), but as a tiny banded person, I really appreciate that they make cute bras in tiny bands and every colour is available in every size (uncommon size people know the struggle of your size usually only being available in black or beige).
Ethel runs very big for a TLBC bra, I'm usually between a 30B & 30C cup wise and the Ethel bra fits me well in 30C. The band is closer to a 28 or 26 than a 30.
The quality of pretty good and it's held up being one of my most worn bras for almost three months now (I got one small run in the lace near the top of the left cup, but it hasn't unravelled anymore like I was afraid it would, so I would say the lace is pretty rip-stop.).
The straps also need to be adjusted every few days, as they slip a bit.
The bra is basically unpadded, it's got a very nice thin layer of soft foam, enough to conceal nipples and provide structure/support to the bra without adding any extra bulk. The cups also have pockets for removable cookies, but I can't attest to their performance as I took them out and threw them in the corner of my room someone where and haven't looked back.

Primrose colorway

Updated on Oct 25, 2018 Flag this

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Fit information

On Mar 2018 It fit her!

I know I'm wearing a band size too big, but TLBC doesn't go up to D cup, so I wear a 30C instead of a 28D (or 26DD)

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