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Bra » Cleo » Blake Balconnet Bra (9151) » 30G » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band77.0
Band Length61.0
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width14.0
Cup depth27.0
Depth ratio1.9
Wire length26.5
Cup height18.3
Cup separation2.0
Gore height8.0
Wing height9.6
Strap width1.3
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note: I ordered this before my size change. This is why I didn't originally get the 30GG.

I fell in love with the colour of this bra (and the Cerise as well, but I couldn't find that one anywhere near my size) the second I saw it.
Unfortunately, I do think a 30GG would have fit sliiiightly better, but that is impossible to find.
On top of that, I have some issues with it that make me think it's maybe not worth even looking for a 30GG.

I think Blake fits a lot different than my two other Cleo bras in the same size. There are some positives and negatives to that.

One, the cups feel slightly narrower, and the wires extremely U shaped compared to the others. They are three part cups made of non stretchy tulle and covered with slightly sheer material (I really don't know what this material is called. Mesh, maybe? Not sure.)
Unfortunately the cups seem to be a slightly wrong shape for me and by that I mean the wires make it so I can't quite fill out the bottom of the cup unless I try really hard. Like, I have to pull on the cups to make the wires fall into my imf (won't happen by just adjusting the wires and such). I have empty space along the wire. Regardless, the cups do have great lift, but I wouldn't say the shape is the typical Cleo shape I see in the photos (even on most of other women's photos). The shape is slightly more natural. Being a huge fan of the natural shape (with that slight peak at the apex) I quite like this.
The cups are finished with a black non-stretchy strip, and this always cuts into my soft tissue but for some reason I am not experiencing this with Blake as I do with other bras. Make of that what you will.
I do get some in-cup quadding however, both sides.

The band is slightly stretchier than my other 30G Cleo bras as well. Not in a bad way, though, it's still tight enough for me. Only 2 hooks" alt=":(" />

The strap situation with this one is BAD for me. They adjust long enough but they're so thin they might as well have just put a piece of string up there.

The wires on Blake are sturdy! They wouldn't budge while I was doing my stretched band measurement, and kept their shape the whole time. No distortion whatsoever. The gore is narrow, it tacks beautifully, nothing much to say about it.

Overall, I do like this bra and I think it looks amazing. I just feel like it's not quite right for me (and wouldn't be even in 30GG).

Should I give up on Cleo? I gave up on Panache in general, but for some reason keep clinging onto their Cleo bras because they are so fun. Maybe they are just not for me. The 2 hooks and thin straps in 30G (and from some investigating, there are 2 hooks in 30GG as well) baffle me.

Updated on Dec 31, 2018 Flag this

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  • Show all comments (9)
  • 1

    BTW some might remember my first 30G Blake got stolen, but I managed to find a replacement for it because I really wanted to try this bra!

  • 1

    I do love the color of this one, but if the fit doesn't make you happy, there is no reason to continue to try them, right? (Keeping in mind I say this all while I keep trying Comexim even though I know they don't work for me, so my advice isn't really credible, heehee. So.....take my advice since I'm not using it? ;-)

  • 1

    Lmao, speaking of Comexim, I actually got the Bridget in 30HH and holy crap, it fits even worse than the 32GG, if that's even possible. Mainly because it fits the same as 32GG when in theory a band size down and a cup size up should fit considering the 32GG was too loose in the band, and too small in the cup. BUT NOPE. Fits almost exactly the same. What a disappointment.
    65L - Comexim » Bridget Half Cup (554)

  • Bummer! The cup depth is slightly larger on the 30HH, so could the cup fit issue be due to the new growth? :-/
    Otherwise yep, they look the same on for sure!

  • 1

    I have no other explanation. That's the downside of waiting for a bra to come... I'm sure a month ago it would have fit.

  • I have no other explanation. That's the downside of waiting for a bra to come... I'm sure a month ago it would have fit.

  • 1

    I am living that pain right now. No bra fits. Several (really a lot) on the way, while half most likely will be too small in the cup when they arrive, and I desperately need the few that should fit now (and two weeks ago at this point. :' -(

  • 1

    I'm sorry :( Sucks. Hopefully some fit of the new ones.

  • Indeed. Now if they would just arrive already! Waiting is torture.......

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