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Bra » Fantasie » Evie Underwire Balcony Bra (2102) » 30E » Bras » Owner


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Why o why did I wait so long to try Fantasie bras? I had assumed when Freya balcony bras no longer fit me properly the same would hold true for Fantasie as they are their sister brand - I was so wrong! The shapes Fantasie makes just work for my bottom heavy, teardrop breasts... and the Evie is no exception!

This bra is essentially the same shape as the Vivienne balcony which I also love. The colour is beautiful, and the lace is stunning too. I just love the way it looks and the shape it gives. I like the look of this style of bra best from the Fantasie lineup... although I think I prefer the shape given by Fantasie side support bras. I would say this shape is a little more 'pointed', whereas the side support bras give a slightly more rounded shape. I do love both though!

Updated on Nov 06, 2013 Flag this

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On Oct 2013 It fit her!

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