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Bra » Asos Boudoir » Lace Overlay Demi Cup Bra (371349) » 32C » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band72.4
Band Length59.9
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width11.2
Cup depth15.5
Depth ratio1.4
Wire length18.8
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.8
Gore height3.3
Wing height7.1
Strap width1.0
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Didn't fit

I have shallow, moderately wide breasts that are conical and slightly tubular. I am athletic/muscular.

This review is an update to my previous review. I had tried this on in 30D and could barely fasten it at all, it was so tight. I returned it and got it in 32C, which fits pretty darn well (I normally wear a 28DD).

Even on the 32 band, the band is on the tight side for me. It's definitely very inelastic. I've never had a bra with a band this unstretchy before, and it's a very different experience. On the one hand, it's nice to never have to adjust it throughout the day. On the other hand, I can't inhale deeply.

I'm kinda torn on this bra. First off, it fits me very well, and is moderately comfortable. But I will say that it looks kind of odd on me. It doesn't really give me a shape that I am a huge fan of (though it's not horrible). I like that the lace is thin enough that this can work as a t-shirt bra. I also like that it's very forgiving of shallow breasts - no quad boob in sight! It's not exactly my shade of skin (it's a little too pink), but is close enough that I can use it as a nude-colored bra.

The cup feels very cheap. There's a very inelegant dart running vertically, and creates the illusion of a nipple going on there. It's also a cheap, stiff foam.

The underwire is a bit taller in the armpit than I'm used to, and it goes up a little higher, too. That, combined with a very tight band, definitely emphasizes the outer edge of my breast. This works for me, because it happens to perfectly line up with my pecs and my tail of spence. I could see it being weird for other people, though, especially if they've got very wide breasts.

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Feb 18, 2014 Flag this

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