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Bra » Fantasie » Smoothing T-shirt (4510) » 32G » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length0.0
Stretch ratio0.0
Cup width0.0
Cup depth0.0
Depth ratio0.0
Wire length0.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation0.0
Gore height0.0
Wing height0.0
Strap width0.0
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Didn't fit

This bra really doesn't fit me -- I completely spill out and over the top half -- but it's extremely comfortable (wouldn't wear it outside of the house, of course).

Its fit on me poses an unusual paradox: the band width and width and placement of the cups fit perfectly, yet the top portion I completely don't fit. And while I completely overflow it, yet still something about the padded shape manages to wrinkle a bit around the center of the cups (not quite as pronounced in pictures as in person).

For someone with my narrow shoulders and ribcage, the band and cup width are perfect. However, I would need a lot more material in the cup. Since I would have to stay with a 32 bandwidth, I guess I would need 2-4 cup sizes larger? Probably the better bet is that even if they made it that large (I don't think they do?), I am guessing that it would not fit my build.

It doesn't poke me anywhere despite how it looks; it is very comfortable and the only thing I find uncomfortable about it is the feeling of spilling out over the top. But it is so nice to have cups that don't go halfway around my ribcage or point outward when I don't; the smaller cup width gives better support than an overlarge one (although I am not familiar with how widespread that problem might be or how many people have that in common with me)

Pros: The bra itself looks really nice and they look gorgeous on the right person. It feels sturdy without feeling binding or uncomfortable. The width proportions hit me in the right places.

Cons: The padding seems to be an unusual shape. I usually fill out various sizes and shapes of padded bras even if they don't quite fit me, but this one always partly wrinkles no matter how I adjust. For me the center gore being nowhere near my sternum and my completely not fitting the top portion of the cup make it a nonstarter, but I think it would be good for people who have smaller ribcages and higher, rounded shapes, but not so heavy on the top half(?). They might not be soft enough for some people. I didn't find it rough but I didn't find it soft, either.

Updated on Nov 13, 2013 Flag this

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Fit information

On Nov 2013

Center gore placement:
Doesn't lie flat against sternum
Bottom of the cup:
Can't quite fill it
Top of the cup:
Cuts into breast tissue (quad boob effect)
Strap separation:
Not a problem

She hasn't added any bras that fit her correctly.