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Bra » Claudette » Dessous Mesh Underwire Bra (CD2000) » 34FF » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band90.2
Band Length65.9
Stretch ratio1.4
Cup width14.5
Cup depth24.9
Depth ratio1.7
Wire length29.2
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.2
Gore height7.5
Wing height10.3
Strap width2.0
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Didn't fit

I loved the look of the Dessous for ages, so when I saw it for sale on ASOS in my favourite colourway ('pink lemonade') it was time to BUY.

Internet research suggested I should go down a back size and up a cup after a strange thought process I can't quite replicate now I decided to get 34ff instead of my current standard Eveden 34f.

The 34ff is definitely the wrong size. I would strongly recommend going down a band size - and I say this as someone who prefers a looser (+2 or even +3) band. However, I'm not sure it's all about looseness; the Dessous band is really stretchy and just seems unsupportive, somehow...

As for cup size. Well, I sized up as suggested - and I can't actually tell if this was a mistake. I don't know if the cup is too big for me or just completely incompatible with my shape. Maybe both? There is a massive amount of room at the top of the cup, and some at the bottom. However, the width of the wires is pretty much spot on, and there is not quite enough central depth, so my poor sad nipples get squashed.

My theory is that the Dessous is suited to shallow breasts with tall roots (if that makes sense). I have an almost round breast root, whereas the cup of the Dessous seems designed to fit a breast that covers much more the chest vertically. The cup cannot cope with projection, either, at least on top. I feel like I'd need to get at least one cup size smaller to fit vertically, but then the bra would cut in at the top. Plus the wires would sit on my breasts at the side. Sigh...

I've thought about this so much because I LOVE the look of the bra and wanted to get another that fit. It is completely, perfectly sheer, and the 'pink lemonade' colour combination is gorgeous. The mesh is a little rough to the hand, but perfectly comfortable on the breast. It's a beautiful bra, and I'd get another if I thought it would work on me. Sadly, it's just not going to happen.

Updated on Feb 22, 2014 Flag this

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Fit information

On Feb 2014

Strap separation:
Not a problem
Bottom of the cup:
Can't quite fill it
Top of the cup:
Wrinkles, can't quite fill it
Cups separation:
Too separate for my boobs
Band fit:
The band is definitely too big

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