My right breast which is half a cup to a cup bigger than my left has a slight quad boob effect at times in this bra whereas the left breast doesn't quite fill the cup. However, the sides of the breasts feel supported, so I'm not quite concerned about the slight gap in the left cup. The underwires fit me very snugly, which makes me feel very secure. Though I wish the wings were slightly taller to really encase all the tissue beneath the arms, it's really minimal especially visually.
The shape the bras gives is not rounded, so I'll have to be careful with what I wear on top.
Lastly, the material sagged throughout the day so that it provided less support and needed its straps shortened. I also really felt the height and width of the center gore as the day wore on. Where the center gore ends, my breasts are barely a finger apart, but I didn't register this as a huge concern when I first put on the bra. At the end of the day though, it did get a bit irritating and then slightly painful.
Updated on Apr 22, 2014
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