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Bra » Cleo » Ellis (7211) » 32HH » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band83.8
Band Length68.6
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width16.5
Cup depth34.3
Depth ratio2.1
Wire length31.1
Cup height0.0
Cup separation1.9
Gore height10.2
Wing height12.7
Strap width1.9
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Didn't fit

I have to be honest, this bra's been a weird one for me. When I first bought it, it was too big for me in the top section but sizing down resulted in the wire sitting on tissue, and I liked the shape under clothes, so I went with it. I'm not normally one for pink bras, but this one was different enough that it appealed to me - the watercolour-type rose print felt fresher than a lot of other florals around at the time.

A lot of the shape issues I had I chalked up to the bra being slightly too big for me, but later on I gained weight and experienced tissue re-migration, resulting in my boobs sitting more on the front of my ribcage (I now have very little side tissue). When I was able to fill out the cups more, I could see more easily some of the weird little shape incompatibilities I had with it. My boobs look almost too 'long' for my body in this bra when I look at myself without a shirt covering at the side, and it seems like my tissue wants to fill out the top of the cup more but the pink mesh section is too firm to let it, resulting in a strange, almost squared-off shape. This is something that flattens under clothing, giving the usual Cleo round shape. The gore and wires are also too high for me - when I first got the bra I experienced a lot of sternum-digging, and even though the digging has lessened as I've worn the bra, the gore still won't sit flat - my left boob (larger one) appears to be pushing one of the central wires out. The wires are also too high under my armpits, which is fine now that the bra's been broken in but was unbearable the first few wears. They cut into me under the arms like nobody's business. This problem was exacerbated by me having to adjust the straps quite short in order to take out some of the slack in the cups.

What I *think* my fit issues with the Ellis originate from are two things: the bra is too projected for me, and the lack of flexibility of the material (particularly the mesh section). I think this bra is cut for a very specifically balanced even shape, and my tissue was skewed just slightly too much toward bottom-fullness to be able to fit it well. As a result, my tissue uses up all the room in the slightly-too-shallow bottom of the cup and the rest tries to occupy the top mesh section - but there isn't enough room for it to do so.

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Mar 28, 2015 Flag this

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Fit information

On Apr 2015

Center gore comfort:
Underwires dig into sternum, because they are too high
Center gore placement:
Doesn't lie flat against sternum
Underwire length:
Runs too high under the arm, it pokes
Top of the cup:
Wrinkles, can't quite fill it
Cups separation:
Too separate for my boobs

On Oct 2014

Center gore comfort:
Underwires dig into sternum, because they are too high
Center gore placement:
Doesn't lie flat against sternum
Underwire length:
Runs too high under the arm, it pokes
Top of the cup:
Wrinkles, can't quite fill it
Cups separation:
Too separate for my boobs

This bra didn't fit her, but these did