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Bra » Lepel » Fiore Plunge Bra (93200) » 30B » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band73.7
Band Length52.1
Stretch ratio1.4
Cup width12.1
Cup depth14.6
Depth ratio1.2
Wire length16.5
Cup height0.0
Cup separation1.9
Gore height2.5
Wing height6.4
Strap width1.3
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My proper size is a 28D, and I am a shallow 28D, but for me, underwire in anything higher than a plunge style is extremely uncomfortable and stabs uncomfortably in my chest, so I needed to try some plunge styles that are supposed to be good for shallow breasts - of which there are few. This bra is one of the few that is supposed to be better for shallow breasts, so I figured I would compromise on the band size - and it seems to be okay.

In terms of the band size, the 30 seems to be fine. On the largest hook, the band doesn't really ride up when I raise my arms, but it feels like it might soon as soon as it stretches out a bit. I imagine I"ll wear it on the tighter hooks sooner than I would with a 28 band, and I may look into shortening the band - but it's not too big of a problem.

In terms of the cups, I tried both the 30C (my sister cup size) and 30B. The 30C fit my larger breast fine, but not my smaller breasts, which had some wrinkling in the cup. Since this bra has small removable inserts, I figured I would try the 30B, and just take the insert out on the side of my larger breast. This worked well - I don't quadboob on my larger breast, and the cups fit my smaller breast well.

I do agree with what some other reviewers have said that some of the lace can be a little bit itchy. But I've worn it all day and it's not itchy enough to make me feel like I need to take it off, and I imagine my body will get used to it over time.

Updated on Sep 03, 2014 Flag this

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