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Bra » Curvy Kate » Luxe Strapless Bra (CK2601) » 30HH » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band81.3
Band Length64.8
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width16.8
Cup depth27.9
Depth ratio1.7
Wire length33.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.4
Gore height11.2
Wing height11.2
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Didn't fit

Oh gosh. I really want to like this bra because I really want a strapless, but I'm not quite sure.
It seems to fit okay. I can't find any real faults with the fit. The wires are a bit wide. I'm not quite filling the cups completely, but not really not filling them. The gore is fine. The slots for the straps go a bit wide into my armpits, if I were to wear them.
I'm just not quite sure I trust it as a strapless. Maybe I'm just paranoid, and it's just because there's no straps that I feel the desire to pull it up just a bit, just to make sure, every so often. Also the cups do this weird thing where the fold over a bit at the armpits after a few minutes of wear. I'm not sure what that means.
I don't have a strapless dress handy (I'd hidden them all away since I didn't have a bra to wear with them), so I tried it on under a spaghetti strap shirt. It's okay, but it has that tell-tale line, where it folds a bit at the armpits, that's like telling everyone, "Hey look, I'm trying to wear a strapless bra so you don't know I'm wearing a bra right now but you totally are!" But it's not as bad as it could be.
Gah, I can't decide if this works!

Biscotti colorway

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Dec 06, 2014 Flag this

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  • 1

    So again - I cant see your measurements here - usually I can on a fit request, so I can compare your measurements to the bras measurements. Not sure if the site was changed or if you didnt mark it to be able to see measurements?

    But it looks like the cups are too big - specifically too tall. Your breasts do not fill the bottom of the cup but the bra also (clearly) comes up too high, esp under your arm.

    I have never worn a strapless bra. If you are happy enough with how it looks under clothes, you certainly could wear it - very few people will notice the little details you notice. BUt i would say that the cup does not fit your breast or body shape. Are you short, btw? I feel like most of my bras cover just about my entire torso, but there's only so much you can do in the larger sizes

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