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Bra » Masquerade » Medina Balconnet Bra (6591) » 38H » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band93.5
Band Length77.2
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width18.0
Cup depth33.8
Depth ratio1.9
Wire length41.3
Cup height0.0
Cup separation2.0
Gore height12.2
Wing height12.7
Strap width1.8
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Didn't fit

This bra genuinely makes me sad, and that's because it doesn't fit.

The cup is SO tall. This causes it to not fit on me. This is basically the only thing that causes it to not fit on me. The band is nicely snug on me, the wires are neither too wide nor too narrow...but the damn cups are so high. The bra has almost a 5" gore, a 5" wing, and the top of the cup just goes in a straight line between the two.

Also, because of the incredibly tall cups and high gore/wing, the wires are very long and poke into my armpit. The straps are also too widely placed. It's a fairly shallow bra (and I'm bottom-heavy with a lot of projection), but that just causes it to give me a great cakes on a plate shape...IF you could see anything but an inch of excess fabric and padding.

In Panache/Cleo bras I normally wear 36HH; between Masquerade bands supposedly being tighter and the brand not going higher than an H cup, I sister-sized to 38H. I'm half-tempted to exchange it for a 38GG or 36H and see if that helps any, but I'm doubting that'll change the cup height as drastically as it'd need to be lowered to fit me without just causing my boobs to burst out the top.

You stupid, beautiful bra.

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Jan 10, 2015 Flag this

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  • Show all comments (9)
  • It looks just enormous on you . . . i'd definitely try sizing down. Did you compare the depth to your perimeter? Letter sizes are so different in different brands, I always check depth/perimeter before trying a new bra

  • It looks so big because of the height of the cup. Like, I am not joking in saying that is the only thing keeping this bra from fitting well on me, despite it being more shallow in the cups than I ordinarily need. There's a good inch of extra padding and fabric just sticking straight up where the top of my breast ends.

    Masquerade is/was Panache's luxury bra brand; they discontinued it and kept a few cuts that they're calling Panache Black now...and that come in an even SMALLER size range.

  • If she sized down the fact that the design is way too shallow for her shape would prevent it from fitting also. This is just an incredibly shallow cup shape, a shape you RARELY find on a cis woman in this size range (while of course being a very common shape in the 28-30 C-DD size range). I understand the disappointment, it's so pretty!

  • it is beautiful

  • It's just such a pretty bra! This is the first one I've been genuinely upset about not fitting.

    And since it is so shallow, I feel like sizing down would be too shallow without reducing the cup height enough.

    Bah. Time to cave in and start seeing what EM bras will work for me, as I think that's the only way I'll get the look I want in my size.

  • Really? In your size range, I would have thought some of the Cleos would work. Marcie for example?

  • I own a Lucy which fits pretty well. Marcie, not a chance. I own a Floris which is way too open in the top of the cups, but I kept it and altered it to be more closed. Lucy and its sister cuts (Kali?) are the only Cleo bras that work on me. It's a cute bra, but still too high coverage for quite a few of my shirts.

    I'm looking into EM's S and PL cuts. That's the look I want (not all the time, obviously, but to be able to get that look again would be nice). It really doesn't exist in UK bras in my size.

  • Haha i was looking at your bras again - and I'd forgotten (again) how funny it is to me that the floris doenst really fit you, when its my best fitting . . .and as I start to look at EM bras . . . so sure I WONT be trying the PL and probably not the S, but that the BM MIGHT work for me . . .

  • It sounds like you have a shape that is projected, but your breast root is not as tall as most people in your size range. If you go with Comexim and buy through Wellfitting for example, it shouldn't be too much of an ordeal to get a bra that is customized for the cups to be matched to your atypical height.

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