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Bra » The Little Bra Company » Sascha » 30C » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length55.2
Stretch ratio0.0
Cup width12.1
Cup depth15.2
Depth ratio1.3
Wire length19.1
Cup height0.0
Cup separation1.9
Gore height4.8
Wing height8.9
Strap width1.3
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This bra is currently my best fitting bra, and I kind of love it.

So, I've tried the smooth Sascha in 28B, 28C, and 30C now. 28B was way too small to bother, and the 28C was better, but still gave me quad boob even without the pads. They don't make 28D (to my great disappointment), so I sized up to 30C. And finally, some cups that fit!

Honestly, the cups really are a great-feeling fit. No gapping even when I hunch my shoulders. No quad boob, with or without the pads. And while my bigger and smaller breasts fit slightly differently, they both work fine with or without different levels of padding. The underwire is nice and wide, which I've found I want. I should note that the gore doesn't tack perfectly, but it feels comfortable, and it's very nearly touching at the top, so I don't mind. I had problems with the 28C cups just barely coming up high enough to cover my nipples (which are not especially large), but that's fixed with this size.

My only (minor) issue is that, well, I'd still really like to try a 28D. As you may be aware, The Little Bra Company's bands are quite tight, so as someone with a ribcage in the vicinity of 26", I am just fine in their 28 bands. The 30 band is definitely acceptable - it doesn't ride up, it stays in place when I lift my arms, and the straps aren't doing any work holding things up (so, while I have yet to wear it out strapless, I'm pretty sure it'd be fine). But I just like the tighter feel of their 28 bands. It's not a huge deal, and when it stayed pretty much in place during a whole night of dancing (great test for a new bra), I knew I'd be keeping it.

I still have occasional problems with straps falling down, but I think that's just something about my shoulders. I like that I still have a small amount of cleavage without the extra padding, or more if I do put the cutlets back in. The shape it gives me is great.

The construction of the bra seems solid. The dark nude color matches me well enough. It's a great basic bra, so not the prettiest thing, but I like the look of it, particularly strapless.

Dark nude colorway

Updated on Apr 20, 2015 Flag this

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Fit information

On Apr 2015 It fit her!

Seems to be the best-fitting bra I've tried! I still wish they made a 28D, just to have a slightly more snug band, but it stays up on the loosest hook, so it's fine.

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