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Bra » Ewa Michalak » Sf Garden » 75GG » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band82.6
Band Length67.3
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width15.7
Cup depth35.1
Depth ratio2.2
Wire length30.5
Cup height22.6
Cup separation1.5
Gore height9.7
Wing height11.4
Strap width1.8
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My pictures make the colors look a lot more muted than they are in reality, so just know the colors are a little brighter" alt=":)" />

The band on this one is good. I'm wearing it on the third hookset already though. I thought this measured tight for a 75? Not sure if anyone can confirm or deny this observation, but it was a full inch and a half smaller than Motyl.

The cups seem good. Straps okay. I do have orange in a glass.. noticeable on the angled pictures. For the most part, I think it's a win?

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Jun 10, 2019 Flag this

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  • Show all comments (12)
  • 1

    That stretched band measurement does seem small for a 75; shouldn't it stretch to 34 inches? Does the tightness bother you? At least you know it will stretch out with wear.
    It looks like, on the angled pictures, the horizontal seam is squishing your breast tissue a little bit. But if it doesn't bug you and isn't noticeable underneath shirts, I don't think that's much of a problem. I know you've mentioned having soft tissue; I have the same thing happen with the SF bras I have, too.
    Both of these SF bras you just got are SO PRETTY!

  • I thought it did, but I wasn't sure as I've never owned a 75 band in Ewa haha. Nah tightness doesn't bother me at all. It's a "nice" tight if that makes any sense? The true 75 band (Motyl) is way too loose for me. :/
    Ah! I didn't even notice until you mentioned it hahaha. I knew it looked strange, I just couldn't pinpoint the problem ha. It's not bothersome in the slightest. I'll have to try a shirt on over top of it to see how I really feel about it 😂
    They're quite lovely! :)

  • 2

    This bra is SOOOOOO pretty!!! I LOVE purple 😍😍😍😍

  • Yeah it is. It's way more aesthetically pleasing to me in person. The lavender is quite lovely 😍

  • 2

    Ooooh prettyyyy!! And yaay because this one does seem like a bra win!!

  • Thanks Frazzleberry :)

  • 1

    Even with the photos making the colors a little more muted it is still SUCH a pretty print! Lovely! I like the effect against the green wall color in this room too--it kind of has a delicate Art Nouveau vibe.

    That's definitely on the short/firm side for a 34 band, I've had plenty of 32 bands in various brands with similar stretched and unstretched measurements.

    Is the cup comfortable? I don't really see abnormal tissue squishing -- by which I mean I do see some, but it doesn't go beyond what most of the EM cup patterns are designed to do i.e. give a very rounded shape. This imposes some compression/deformation in many cases since a lot of full-busted people naturally have quite a bit more projection at the apex than above or below, so the apex will indeed be a bit squashed inwards to achieve this signature EM shape.

    I do see the OIG but can't guess the exact cause--there are several possibilities:
    1/ the wings/wires being a little taller than what can comfortably fit beneath the wearer's arm (ends bump into tail of Spence, pecs or sometimes just the armpit). Tentatively, I'd say perhaps this is not the case for you since I don't see anything that would be an obstacle to the wire ends sitting higher but sometimes it's something that is easier to feel than to see.
    2/ Lateral tension due to a very firm band--this can pull the fabric at the cup base too tight and prevent boobs from settling into the cup all the way; tight bands also are apt to creep downwards on the body especially if you have an hourglass shaped torso or a V shaped ribcage. Seems likely as a cause since this is a particularly small 75. You could use an extender to see if this allows the band to sit a tad higher, and/or if it allows the breasts to drop down further and fill out the base of the cup.
    3/ Vertical tension due to overly short straps or overly tightened straps. I'm less inclined to think this could be the only reason as you have the straps lengthened quite a bit, but if you've tried all the other things above and the OIG is bugging you, I guess you could try lengthening even more on the off chance it can help.

  • i always buy non-padded ewas up a band size. but i had some padded oens that were huge, band-wise.

  • It's very pretty, that's for sure!

    Good to know! I thought it was firm, so thanks for clarifying that up for us.

    The cup is pretty comfortable. I can't help but wonder if it isn't too big even.. when I get a lot of movement going in my bra, there's a lot of jiggle and when I move to readjust my tissue, I've suddenly got a lot of extra fabric at the tops of my cups. Hm.

    Maybe it is that the band is too tight? I'll have to play around with it again later. The OIG doesn't really bother me too much. It doesn't look like it shows under clothes which is a win for me 😁

  • 1

    Maybe that's a good idea? I did notice that Motyl has a mesh gore which could probably be why it has more give than Garden does in the band. Maybe I should have taken AprilGoulding 's advice from way back when about sizing down in the band if it's mesh haha.

  • 2

    @Deranged Dragons19 It is also a different fabric. All the fabrics have a different amount of give. A very smart designer would take this into account when deciding the pattern pieces, to allow to consistency in stretched band length...but that's a dream

  • 1

    True fact hahaha 🤣

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Fit information

On Jul 2019 View measurements

Bottom of the cup:
Can't quite fill it
Top of the cup:
Wrinkles, can't quite fill it

On Jun 2019 It fit her! View measurements

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