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Bra » Le Mystere » Infinite Possibilities Plunge Bra (1124) » 30D » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length57.0
Stretch ratio0.0
Cup width14.0
Cup depth17.0
Depth ratio1.2
Wire length17.0
Cup height15.5
Cup separation1.0
Gore height2.5
Wing height8.5
Strap width1.1
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So far, Le Mystere 30 bands have fit me pretty well, and I recently discovered the ultra-flattering Tisha Evolution, so when I saw this random bra on sale at Nordstrom Rack, I decided to give it a try. After all, who doesn't want Infinite Possibilities?

The premise of this bra is that the straps can be adjusted to be worn in a number of different ways, with three strap positions (standard, close, open) and a halter option. However, the description of the bra as "super low plunge cups with a soft uplift provide dramatic cleavage" failed to mention that this is a heavily padded foam cup, which I absolutely detest. There's about 1"/2.5 cm of padding at the bottom of the cup, and because there is so much padding, the entire cup is extra tall to accommodate it. This is the first bra I've come across in 30D that comes in at a 6.1"/15.5 cm cup height. Now, since the padding ends up adding at least a full cup size, it doesn't look like an insanely tall cup when worn, but I find it to be very uncomfortable since I like wider, shorter cups with no padding. This bra is simply not my style although it definitely did its job, giving me cleavage and tons of rounded projection.

Outside of this, I found that the bra fit true to size for Le Mystere. Recently I've been between 30D and 30DD, but I've found Le Mystere's 30D cups to a little larger and more projected than other brands' molded cups, so they fit me well. The band also runs true to size and is firm and secure. The wings are made from a super powerful nylon/spandex stretch and come in at 17% spandex, so I think this bra will hold up well. A good quality bra and a good premise, however I simply can't tolerate the feel of the padding long enough to give the convertible options a try.

Black colorway

Updated on Oct 28, 2019 Flag this

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