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Bra » Nessa » Paris Semi Soft » 75I » Bras » Owner


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Fits ribcage0.0
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Stretched Band0.0
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Cup depth0.0
Depth ratio0.0
Wire length0.0
Cup height0.0
Cup separation0.0
Gore height0.0
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Didn't fit

Surprisingly comfortable bra, I think I chose to return it though, based on the fact that I was expecting a non-padded bra - this is a “semi soft” which I had never heard of before
As I recall it was quite pretty but at the time I did not think a bra should be THAT open. I’m very short so I can’t really fill out the top on most bras. I’m still not sure if it’s supposed to look like that when fitted properly. It’s hard to judge though as the pictures of it on various websites show ladies with FoT breasts that fill it out no trouble.
Maybe the lift is not good enough? So far I’ve had this shape in Curvy Kate, Nessa and Ewa Michalak.
Overall seems like a really comfortable and good quality bra.

Updated on Apr 07, 2020 Flag this

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Fit information

On Nov 2019

Top of the cup:
Wrinkles, can't quite fill it

This bra didn't fit her, but these did