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Bra » Wacoal » La Femme Underwire T-shirt Bra (853117) » 32H » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band88.0
Band Length65.0
Stretch ratio1.4
Cup width15.0
Cup depth26.0
Depth ratio1.7
Wire length28.0
Cup height23.0
Cup separation2.5
Gore height5.5
Wing height11.5
Strap width2.0
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Didn't fit

It is pretty comfortable for wearing regularly, but the wire goes too far back into my armpit (too wide) and when I move around (read: slouch) it pokes me in the armpit (too tall). When I swoop and scoop there is empty space at the bottom and sides and the cup wrinkles, I spill over the top slightly, and the wire moves around. What I suspect is there is not enough immediate projection at the bottom (hope I'm using that term correctly), which pushes the bottom of my breast upward in the cup where there is more room, and then basically everything gets moved around a bit? The cup is simply not molded to my shape and I think would better suit someone with a wider root and less immediate projection.

All of that makes it sound like it's a terrible fit, but I have figured out a method to make it work well for me. To fit the molded cup well I first swoop and scoop and then do a sort of reverse swoop and scoop where I put my hand on the top of my breast inside the cup and push down and out into my armpit while holding the wire in place so I don't spill out past the wire, basically making sure the wire sits comfortably where it's supposed to and the tissue fills out the more empty parts of the cup. I do this when I put it on and it stays in place most of the day so long as I don't do any jumping around. The wire is okay ('cept for when it pokes my armpit), the band fits really well, the gore sits where it's supposed to, and I like the shape the molded cups give even though it's unnatural for my breasts.

Not my favorite bra, but not terrible either. I've only recently begun my quest for a fitting bra and when I found this on sale at the store I impulse-bought two. I'm keeping and wearing both of them for now as a part of my daily rotation, but I'm on the hunt for a t-shirt bra that suits my natural shape better.

Black colorway

Updated on Jul 18, 2021 Flag this

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Fit information

On Jul 2021 View measurements

Underwire length:
Runs too high under the arm, it pokes
Bottom of the cup:
Can't quite fill it
Cup's width:
There is empty fabric on the sides (Cup too wide)

On Jul 2021 View measurements

Underwire length:
Runs too high under the arm, it pokes
Bottom of the cup:
Can't quite fill it
Cup's width:
There is empty fabric on the sides (Cup too wide)

On Jul 2021 View measurements

Center gore placement:
Doesn't lie flat against sternum
Underwire length:
Runs too high under the arm, it pokes
Bottom of the cup:
Can't quite fill it
Cup's width:
There is empty fabric on the sides (Cup too wide)

This bra didn't fit her, but these did