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Bra » Comexim » Basic Half Cup » 55J » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band62.0
Band Length50.0
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width13.0
Cup depth21.0
Depth ratio1.6
Wire length22.0
Cup height14.0
Cup separation1.5
Gore height7.7
Wing height8.7
Strap width1.8
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This should work according to the depth measurement, but it's just not quite there. It pushes up/presses my breast tissue and creates some slight quadding on top.

Edit: it's actually not that bad when my size isn't fluctuating during my cycle, but still a push-up cleavage fit, which isn't always what I want. I think the plunges suit me more and possibly accommodate the size changes better, but getting all the customizations to work out is a trial.

This might fit better with extra depth at the wire (I've heard that the 3HC is good for immediate depth, but in this size range, I don't think that's true). I've seen other reviews with this alteration; emailed Comexim to confirm they do it but haven't heard back yet.

I've been trying to make the 3HC work for me so I could get something unaltered. But it seems like I can't avoid customizations.

Update: So I actually ended up asking about the plunges, not the 3HCS, but they confirmed that they can add 1cm of depth at the wire to the plunges.

Update 2: I decided to keep this since it's not the worst. Trying a 55J Ardea next, since sometimes I think the Basics run just a little small and a 55K might be a little too big without customizations (remembering that 60HH/28G I tried which was too tall/large overall). My order of reduced cup plunges with extra depth at the wire was pretty hit or miss. I don't recommend this alteration since it's hard to know if it was done.

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Aug 04, 2021 Flag this

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