So after putting this bra in the "does not fit" drawer, and trying it on with a non-stretchy extender, I've changed my mind.
This bra is really comfortable! (after bending the gore... The gore hurts pretty bad if it's not bent, but now it's perfect)
This is the only bra I've got that is actually the right height cup for me (besides Hettie... but Hettie's almost a Jasmine clone). Most bras I have thought "fit" for example Panache Tango Plunge and Freya Fancies plunge balcony are actually too wide and high for me. I feel so supported in Jasmine and it looks great really.
I've found since trying on some of my 'does not fit' bras with an extender, I've been learning a lot about what I really need in a bra.
The wires on this bra are a good width on me, they no longer poke under my armpit (thank you extender!). I do have a little bit of wrinkling on the bottom of the cup, but this fits me so well in other areas that I'm happy to but that aside. I often struggle to fill out bras near my armpit because I seem to have no fullness there, but since the cup on this is short it works well for me.
The straps are a little widely spaced but I can hardly complain, I think this bra is so great. I get a nice rounded shape under clothes. Sometimes I tend to get a 'torpedo' shape in other bras (Hettie why do you do this to me!) but this one is nice and round. Looks great under low necked tops too.
I think this bra is as close as I've gotten so far. I think I could buy the 36F but honestly I have two perfectly good 34FF's that I can wear with extenders.
The black colour is perfect for my needs and it's really sturdy, well made and keeps everything in place thanks to the ever-so-forgiving stretch lace at the top of the cup.
Updated on May 20, 2019
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