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Bra » Curvy Kate » Ellace Balcony Bra (CK4401) » 30DD » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length60.0
Stretch ratio0.0
Cup width12.7
Cup depth20.0
Depth ratio1.6
Wire length20.0
Cup height13.5
Cup separation2.0
Gore height7.0
Wing height8.5
Strap width1.5
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This is my second Curvy Kate Ellace, as I had tried it back in my 30D days and it didn't fit. I thought that since I've gotten more upper fullness that this style might fit me now in a size up, so I grabbed the 30DD when I saw the price drop on Amazon. Unfortunately, while it fits my larger side pretty well, it still has the same problem on my smaller side.

I feel that the cup shape in this style is shallow in the bottom of the cup, and the fullest point of the cup is set a little higher than normal. This would indicate that it's more of a FOT style than FOB. However, I am leaning functionally FOT these days, so it did fit my larger side pretty well, though I could've used more room at the bottom of the cup since I'm pretty even. On my smaller side, it's obvious that there's not enough upper fullness, so the stretch lace portion of the upper cup ends up too empty for me. Ideally, the bottom mesh cup would be lowered and the upper stretch cup would be lengthened, bringing the fullest point of the bra down a bit, which would improve the fit on me.

I think that the stretch lace portion is going to be tricky for anyone who doesn't fit this bra perfectly. Though it fits my larger side pretty well, I do notice that the lace shifts a bit when moving and doesn't stay totally flat. The smaller side looks like a disaster, so unfortunately this is a bra where my asymmetry renders this bra unwearable.

I've also noticed that Curvy Kate bras in my size range measure identically in depth and wire length, but recently I've been more comfortable in bras with longer wires along the outer portion of the cup. I have breast tissue that wraps around and goes under the armpit, so I really need some extra help with the wires to contain this tissue. The Curvy Kate bras I've tried have all been short and shallow in the wires. I didn't mark this as a fit issue because I don't feel that the wires are causing tissue to escape, but it isn't the ideal shape and length for me.

Lastly, I want to comment on the band as this style has an EXTREMELY contoured band. I took the bottom band measurement at 60 cm / 23.5" and interpolated the upper band measurement to be around 69 cm / 27". That means the bottom of the band fits like a true 28-30 but the upper portion of the band is like a large 32. The contoured band is supposed to suit V shaped ribcages better, but this is too contoured for me. If I wear this at the normal position where I wear my bras, the upper portion of the band gaps under the arms. It is better if I wear it lower on my torso where my ribcage is more tapered, but this messes up the fit of the cups.

Please see my review of the 30D for comments and details on styling. It is a very pretty bra, but I don't think that Curvy Kate styles work for me anymore in my current size and shape.

Latte colorway

Updated on Mar 15, 2020 Flag this

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Fit information

On Jan 2020 It fit her! View measurements

Band is contoured and the upper edge of the band is a bit loose but the bottom fits. Cups fit larger side but can't fill the top of the smaller side, especially at the stretch lace.

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