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Bra » Freya » Muse Spacer Moulded Bra (1901) » 28E » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band0.0
Band Length61.5
Stretch ratio0.0
Cup width13.5
Cup depth21.0
Depth ratio1.6
Wire length20.5
Cup height16.0
Cup separation2.0
Gore height5.3
Wing height9.0
Strap width1.3
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Didn't fit

I ordered this simply because it was listed as a spacer bra, and I've been curious about spacer bras for so long. I tried another one in the past that didn't seem like spacer foam, just normal foam, and this one also feels a bit unexpected. However, the main issue is that this bra is so molded into a round, full-coverage shape that the entire top of the bra was totally empty on me. Apparently this is based on the Freya Idol series, as it is exactly the same shape and measurements as the Freya Chi, which is labeled as part of the Idol family.

The band of this bra was also a little big, not quite snug, but acceptable. It seems to be the same firm stretch knit as the Freya Deco Soft Cup, but as this isn't really a full band bra, it doesn't feel very secure on me. There is basically no elastic along the cradle, which I prefer for additional stability. It is a standard band with a leotard back, and the straps are medium width with a J hook. However, the cups of this bra are really weird. I've never seen a bra with such a rounded shape, like a tennis ball cut in half. It's rounded, tall, and very closed off at the top. There's several inches of empty space at the top of the cup on me, though the wires fit me just fine. The wires are firm and rounded, with very little give.

i think the cup size definitely runs a cup large, and is also very deep and projected for its size range. This might be good for narrow, projected shapes with tall roots and lots of upper fullness. The alleged "spacer" foam is actually a very thin and rigid foam (it is definitely lighter and thinner than the standard foam on the Freya Idol), so I can't comment on its spacer abilities, but it will not stretch to fit your shape. You must fit this bra perfectly for it to work on you.

The front of the cups is a sheer geometric-textured nylon overlay, and the bra uses hardware of two overlapping ovals, similar to the Curvy Kate Lifestyle's details. This could be a good bra for someone, but it is far from a forgiving fit. This is a great option if Freya Idol is a good fit for you.

Black colorway

Updated on Jun 12, 2020 Flag this

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Fit information

On Jan 2020 View measurements

Band is a little loose but ok. Wires are OK, but cups are way too tall and full coverage, and shape of foam is very firm. Can't fill upper cup at all. Based on Freya Idol.

Top of the cup:
Wrinkles, can't quite fill it

This bra didn't fit her, but these did