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Bra » Katherine Hamilton » Sophia Bra » 28HH » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band73.5
Band Length58.5
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width16.0
Cup depth26.5
Depth ratio1.7
Wire length33.5
Cup height22.0
Cup separation1.9
Gore height10.0
Wing height12.5
Strap width1.6
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Didn't fit

This is the outlet version of the bra, which on the website is listed as having a few issues compared to the regular:

– on some body types the outer quarter cup silk sling may cause slight indentation affecting the shape of the overall cup.
– the underwires are one size wider and deeper than our Grade A pieces.
– customer feedback suggests that a band size smaller in this item may offer the best fit if a tight band is preferred e.g. if you usually wear a 32GG, try a 30H

I agree with all of these points. There's plenty of room in the cup for my breasts, but there's a touch of in cup quadding where the silk sling cuts in. I suspect but can't confirm that in smaller cup sizes this wouldn't be an issue, as the silk sling just seems to be a touch too small for the amount of projection in the cup. It's also possible that more FOT shapes wouldn't suffer this. The wires are wider than I would like, but not desperately wide, and don't cause me pain.

My underbust is around 29 inches, so I'm always looking for small 30s and big 28s, and I would say if you're between band sizes it's definitely worth going for the smaller. Otherwise, I'd suggest sticking with your normal band size. The straps are also quite wide set, which isn't too much of a problem for me, but would be an issue for those with narrower shoulders.

But let's ignore the fit for a moment. This bra is beautiful. It's absolutely luxuriously made, and makes me feel utterly decadent. The Katherine Hamilton outlet section is a gateway and I've been changed as a person. I lust over their bras, and I'm going to be constantly checking for sales. Be careful when taking the plunge for the sake of your wallet.

Black colorway

Updated on Jun 18, 2020 Flag this

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