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Bra » Ewa Michalak » S Białemisie Multiway (821) » 60HH » Bras » Owner


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Hasn't set fit

I have very soft breast tissue, so I have a bit of trouble with plunges and low gores. Because of this, I tend to stick to the S and SM styles.

This cut works well on me as someone who is full on bottom, with close set breasts and a short torso. I was looking forward to having a multiway bra in order to be able to wear a variety of different necklines, but if I'm being honest, I find that adjusting the straps slightly changes the way that the cups sit, and because I have such soft tissue, the line isn't as nice. I think that this kind of problem is likely unique to those with very soft breasts, and that if you are a bit firmer, it wouldn't occur.

Otherwise, there's very solid construction, and I'm pretty happy with it. I received this used with a small stain and had originally planned to dye it, but honestly, I don't have a single white bra in my closet that fits, so I've kept it as is and it's really nice to have something that doesn't show through under my clothes.

I found that the band ran more closely true to what I would call "Ewa sizing," which is the only sizing that I know these days. I fit into the 60 band, though I find the 65 band more comfortable most of the time, and the HH works in that case with or without cookies, depending on just how booby I want to be - in my case, it's usually less, because I'm trying to fit into surgical scrubs and they're like the least stretchy pajamas in the world.

The straps are thicker than I would prefer, even by Ewa standards, if that's something that bothers you as well. But it might be an advantage if you like a bit more width in your support!

Updated on Feb 01, 2021 Flag this

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