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Bra » Cleo » Kayla Balconnet Bra (9221) » 30G » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band76.0
Band Length64.0
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width14.3
Cup depth30.0
Depth ratio2.1
Wire length27.5
Cup height17.0
Cup separation2.0
Gore height8.0
Wing height10.0
Strap width1.5
This bra's measurements have been altered
I wouldn't call this an alteration, but the bra might've changed a tiny bit since I got it and I thought I should indicate that. I've been wearing this bra for a while now and the hook&eye closure has stretched out a bit - can't tell how much exactly but it is visibly distorted. I thought that might influence how long the band measurements turn out to be.
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I got this bra quite a while ago and have worn it on a regular basis, but just now remembered that I haven't written a review of it.

Shape info: narrow root (Omega shape?), high on chest, pendulous

I'm so glad I bought this bra.
Technically fit-wise it isn't perfect, but I think it comes pretty close to being perfect and it is very comfortable. The few fit issues that I did notice (gore doesn't tack completely, maybe a tiny bit too wide at the center front) don't cause any pain or too much instability, so I mark this bra as fitting.

*What's good about this bra:*
* It is made of a very soft, smooth fabric on the lower cup and lightweight lace on the top part of the cups.
* It is VERY comfortable to wear. It doesn't slide down in the front (enough space/projection in the lower part of the cup) and that is a huge plus.
* Its fabric is printed with a pattern in a lovely color combination (oh if I could count the times when I've found something that comes kind of close to fitting but is a terrible color/pattern for me...). I love the look of it! : )
* The straps are fully adjustable! That is great.

*The only cons I can think of:*
* The straps sometimes slide off my shoulders. No idea where's the issue - the band seems to be snug and in place, the straps are well-adjusted, I think. Also they don't seem to be placed too far apart. It tends to happen with movement. If that happens and I don't have a chance to put the strap back immediately, the cup fabric tends to flop over downwards after a bit and then awkward side-effects of that tend to happen. : |
* The hook&eye closure has stretched out a bit after wearing it for a while. I don't know by how much, but it is visibly distorted. I've seen articles online saying that if this happens the bra band is too small, but I don't think that is the case here. The band is comfortable.

Updated on Apr 14, 2021 Flag this

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Fit information

On Apr 2022 It fit her!

There are some minor fit issues but they don't cause any pain or too much instability, so I'm marking that they weren't a problem for me. This is one of the very few ready-to-wear bras that I've found so far this close to fitting. Aside from the one bra that I almost successfully made for myself, this one is the most comfortable so far.

On Apr 2021 It fit her!

There are some minor fit issues but they don't cause any pain or too much instability, so I'm marking that they weren't a problem for me. This is one of the very few ready-to-wear bras that I've found so far this close to fitting. Aside from the one bra that I almost successfully made for myself, this one is the most comfortable so far.

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