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Bra » Bravissimo » Jade Bralette (LN703) » 28F » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band74.0
Band Length57.0
Stretch ratio1.3
Bust perimeter84.0
Cup width15.0
Cup depth18.0
Depth ratio1.2
Cup height15.0
Cup separation1.0
Gore height8.5
Wing height10.0
Strap width1.3
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Incredibly comfortable. Took some wearing in with a bra extender to get used to band tightness, but within a few weeks was able to wear comfortably without extender. Scoop and swoop allows me to fill the bralette properly with no displaced breast tissue. Looks good beneath clothing. No padding, no wire. Nipples can sometimes be seen through clothing.

Purple colorway

Updated on Dec 27, 2020 Flag this

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On Dec 2020 It fit her! View measurements

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