This bra was for my friend, so I can't comment on my fit of it personally, though I'll be registering the fit check as fit for myself.
It fit her (UK36F) OK, but it was too big. The calculator overestimated her size a lot so this was a trial bra to ballpark her actual size. The band seems to run large or stretchy on this bra, as she immediately found it most comfortable on the innermost hooks, and I am starting to have to wear it on middle- to innermost hooks after three months.
It was comfortable under her arms, with the wires being perfect length so they didn't poke her and also didn't let breast tissue escape.
The construction is solid and the bra is beautiful, and my friend thought it was very comfortable despite being a few cups too big.
Wires were perfect width despite the cups being too deep and overall too big.
I measured this bra and I was surprised to see that the gore was so narrow, and the gore & wing height being so low (at least compared to CK bras of this size).
Updated on Sep 16, 2021
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