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Bra » Comexim » Karina Plunge Bra » 60P » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band70.0
Band Length58.0
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width15.5
Cup depth31.0
Depth ratio2.0
Wire length31.5
Cup height22.0
Cup separation1.5
Gore height9.5
Wing height13.0
Strap width2.0
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Didn't fit

My disappointment is immeasurable.
The first bras I ordered from Comexim showed promise, though too small, this bra seems to have taken a step back in the wrong direction. The cups are too wide, the gore doesn't sit flat and despite asking for the straps to brought in the maximum amount, 3cm, the straps are too far apart on both the back and front of the bra! It seems to me that when I ask for the straps to be brought in they only make the alteration to the side panel leaving the top panel oversized, leaving me with way too much gaping.

Knowing that the wires tend to be my Achilles heel when I ordered these bras I did ask if the cup width could be kept to 15cm. I was then told that the bras would come with a 16.5 cup width as it corresponds to the size.

P.S. I intend to finish this review at some point I'm just too angry and frustrated right now.

Updated on Nov 19, 2021 Flag this

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  • Show all comments (9)
  • 1

    ohhh nooooo.
    I took a peak at your picture - such a pretty bra.
    Tbh, it doesn't look terrible from the pictures, but I see what you mean: the wires are too wide on the side (interesting, because I never thought Comexim had an issue with too wide of wires) almost like a small band/large cup Panache bra like this one that bustyand posted.
    re: the gore, hmmm, I suppose you could request "lowered gore" but I don't know how that's going to affect the construction of a small band/large cup bra, esp if it's unpadded. (aka, uses less stiff material)
    Do you typically have issues with gores in other brands?

  • 1

    BraOdyssey It seems like a lot of other brands Comexim will change the width of the wires based on the cup size, as I tried some on that were M/N cup, which lined up much better with my inframammary fold.
    Gores don't tend to be an issue tacking only with their width: I'm very close-set.

  • 1

    Hmm, yes. I know WildWolff has a similar shape and wears both Comexim and Ewa Michalak (if you check her profile of bras). I haven't requested a "lowered gore" from Comexim, but I know that is one of the alterations they will do (well, at least one can request it, and hope that it gets done), have you seen this YouTube video re: comexim alterations?

    anyway, another brand that does well with small band/large cup is Ewa Michalak -they are more expensive, but I know there are at least these two places (maybe there's more?) in the UK one can order them through,

  • 1

    RedWednesday21 , re: the wires, I've read on bratabase of people requesting *switching the wires out* from different sizes, I can't remember which people have done this though...
    This is an interesting review I just came across...this would be the sister size up from what you ordered in the Comexim Victoria? It looks like she requested the gore be only 6cm, and it looks like it worked out for her.

    also, this review she requested the wires of a different cup.

    ahh, Comexim. so many different options and alteration requests! Hope that helps!

  • 1

    Thanks for the mention BraOdyssey !
    RedWednesday21 It's a struggle being close set! Especially with small band/large cup. I have yet to find a perfect Comexim fit unfortunately but I have a few that are close (and many that are not). I've seen multiple instances where a lowered gore alteration results in a wider cup, which is one reason I am afraid to order that alteration. I have inner fullness and no separation at all (symmastia), and the best fits I've found at the gore are Ewa Michalak PL and S cuts, although the S cut gets higher in the gore in larger sizes so I recommend checking measurements in your size. Some BMs have a lower gore if you like unlined styles. The S and PL cuts do have very wide strap placement and the PL comes up highest under the arms so it's a compromise I have to make because I have tissue between my breasts, but you may have better luck if you're close set but still have separation. After a while wearing Ewa Michalak my body is used to the straps and higher wing and it no longer bothers me.

  • WildWolff , thank u for responding! You totally didn't have to, but you gave out tons of good infos : )

    RedWednesday21 , some additional thought (not that you asked): to me, the cups look a little tall (or taller than I would prefer) on the sides of your body, I would request the following (if you order again from them): reduced cup height, reduced gore height (even give them a number, like what the other bratabase person did, like 6cm, or whatever), straps moved in, and wires from a smaller cup size??

    I have to add the disclaimer that I've never r/cd alterations from Comexim. so it might also help to ask around.
    Okay, hope that helps.

  • 1

    I'm so sorry this didn't fit you! Is it unlined or padded? I can't quite tell.

  • 1

    I’ve had lowered gore on 2 Comexim bras:
    70H - Comexim » Triss 3hc

    70H - Comexim » Hot Chocolate Plunge

    Unsupported, I’m splayed with hidden projection, but supported, that soft and pendulous tissue leans towards being center full and more close set than appears unsupported. I think on my future direct Comexim orders, I will ask for a lowered gore. I can manage with the normal height but sometimes is on the edge of my tissue. Plus, it makes the bra more like a plunge as the plunge can look more like a balconette bra. I’m not sure about the half cups whether to lower it or not. It’s kind of awkward in the Triss but maybe if it was cups and gore lowered then it would be ok. But my Onyks seems ok with the height, I think???

  • I think you can also contact one of the mods on reddit's ABraThatFits. the mods username is xuenylom. she has "custom comexims" in her flair label. Fyi!

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Fit information

On Sep 2021

My disappointment is immeasurable. The first bras I ordered showed promise thought too small, this bra seems to have taken a step back in the wrong direction. The cups are too wide, the gore doesn't sit flat and despite asking for the straps to brought in the maximum amount, 3cm, the straps are too far apart on both the back and front of the bra! It seems to me that when I ask for the wires to be brought in they only make the alteration to the side panel leaving the top panel oversized causing gaping.

Center gore placement:
Doesn't lie flat against sternum
Top of the cup:
Wrinkles, can't quite fill it
Cups separation:
Too separate for my boobs
Band fit:
The band is definitely too big
Cup's width:
There is empty fabric on the sides (Cup too wide)
Strap separation:
Are too far apart

This bra didn't fit her, but these did