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Bra » Elomi » Charley Spacer Moulded Bra (4383) » 34H » Bras » Owner


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Fits ribcage0.0
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Cup depth0.0
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Okay the armpit is a non-issue in this bra. The wires are perfectly short enough for my extreme projection. The only issues I'm having are cup size? Is it too small for the larger breast? There's always the not fully filing up a foam bra or even a lace bra so I'm not super concerned with that. I'm concerned with fall out. The wire is a bit harsh for me, maybe because i really don't have any bodyfat right under my breasts, its really just a lot of ribs there so I'm concerned for that. I also tried a 34GG (UK)in this style and it was too small. So I think I might have an option to go for a 36 in the band but would I keep the cup volume or go up?

Updated on Oct 11, 2022 Flag this

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  • 1

    It looks too small and/or too shallow with the gore not tacking. I would say go up a cup size or two, but the width of the cup already looks too wide and it would probably get wider with a larger cup size. I can't tell from the photos, but the band doesn't seem to be too small. Going up a band size may sacrifice a lot of support. The wire may be harsh because it's not in your inframammary fold? It's hard to tell from photos. I've never had luck with spacer foam, it's comfortable but the material makes for a shallower cup.

  • 1

    I never fill a cup so a shallow cup might be the best option. The gore tacking rarely happens and if it’s small enough it overlaps and doesn’t matter because it doesn’t stick out as hen I sit down and that doesn’t bother me. I’ve realized I have a very narrow frame for my breasts size and they are extremely close together when supported, so I I’m thinking short wires, molded light foam with intense projection.

  • 2

    Not filling a cup could mean the bra is not meant for your shape, not that it's too big. It could be too small. The gore not tacking can be an indicator that you need a bigger cup. The cups could also be too wide, too tall, etc. When I wear a bra too wide I get poked by the wires and don't fill out the top of the cup and sometimes I feel like I'm being squished down/to the sides rather than forward for my projection. I haven't heard of a moulded bra that can support intense projection. Generally, moulded = shallow. I hope you are able to find one!

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