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Bra » Ewa Michalak » Sf Nibynic (1133) » 60FF » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band65.0
Band Length58.0
Stretch ratio1.1
Cup width13.0
Cup depth23.5
Depth ratio1.8
Wire length22.5
Cup height15.5
Cup separation1.7
Gore height5.0
Wing height8.0
Strap width1.4
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Obviously not the prettiest bra, but well constructed and pretty comfy
Unfortunately, like others, it's bit odd fitting with the cups and I'm kinda confused on how this bra is meant for softer tissue breasts (that I have) as I find the tops of the cups don't always hold my tissue in well and secured and can wrinkle even when the cup fits perfectly or even can be too small (this is also why I prefer padded bras, especially with my ribcage)
(Also, I seem to always require more bottom projection that most bras can give apparently, so I'm not new to that 'issue' even though with the SF that's more of its own thing than a fit issue)
The straps are a bit annoying near my armpit, but with my petite frame I find that issue sometimes (seriously, why the wide set and super long straps all the time, wish I didn't have to tighten them so much, I feel it can mess with the fit of the bra at times in regards to the band)
It also doesn't give the most flattering shape, but for what it is, it's comfy enough and gets the job done
I find that I just needed to tighten the straps a bit though so the tops of the cups no longer wrinkle and it looks a lot more flattering (oop , I know, rookie mistake) But the straps are super wide for me on this bra and also probably why it doesn't give me the most flattering shape/fit
(Actually now that I think about it, it kinda reminds me of a cute lil bandaid 😂)

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Apr 01, 2022 Flag this

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