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Bra » Elomi » Matilda Plunge Bra (8900) » 40GG » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band106.7
Band Length86.4
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width19.1
Cup depth38.1
Depth ratio2.0
Wire length40.0
Cup height26.7
Cup separation2.5
Gore height7.6
Wing height13.3
Strap width2.0
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Didn't fit

This is a well made bra that comes in many colours.

I liked its fit when it was the right size for me, which unfortunately didn't last long. I have wide roots and this didn't bother me as much as some other bra cuts do.

It's not super supportive if you have heavy breasts because it is just mesh. However. for summer the mesh helps keep one cool.

What's interesting to me as I write this review a couple of years after getting this bra is that I can still get it on and it actually looks fine in the front although I am now measuring 42:11 or 42H. It shows the Matilda in 40GG has quite a lot of room in the cups; it's quite forgiving. It won't work anymore for me though as it cuts into my side breast roots. That's its only problem with this quite large size increase.

Updated on Jan 27, 2022 Flag this

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  • 2

    Are these photos recent? If so, I think I can help! This bra is actually 1 to 2 cup sizes too big for you, but I think you are right that it may be too narrow for you so going down in this model may not be the best next plan. I have another suggestion in a minute.

    I know from experience that it is VERY difficult at our size to tell when a bra is too big, so here's the secret to figuring it out:

    1. There is a LOT of extra empty fabric at the top and it covers you like a full-cup bra. The Matilda is a plunge bra that is not supposed to cover much, so that is a huge hint to watch for!

    2. When you look at the side, the breast shape is pointy instead of round. This is a very rounding bra and is designed to pull your breasts in quite a bit, not give a bullet shape, so that tells me there is too much volume in the cup.

    3. This is the biggest giveaway and will tell you if almost any bra style is too big: when I look underneath, there are wrinkles and the wire is very far below where it should be, which is exactly where the bottom part of your breast connects to your chest.

    The most important part of finding a good fit is going to be finding a bra that fits your roots perfectly on both the bottoms and the sides. This is too narrow on the sides and too long or big in the bottom.

    I think there is a chance this bra might actually fit properly and wide enough in one or two cup sizes down. That is because there is a good amount of extra width in that bottom outside corner, but the bra being pulled down so low on you is making it pinch your breasts on the outsides. So it would be interesting to see what happens in one or two sizes down, because you really never know. But this bra also may just be too narrow even when it fits your IMF, and that's okay! There are other options.

    Like I said in your Flirtelle fit request, I have a hunch the Elomi Lydia might be a great match for you. It is designed for high/short roots that are also wide, which I think is what your roots may be. It is extremely comfortable under the arms in every size I have tried, and it is reasonably supportive even when the wire is too low/the cup is too big. I would get that bra to start with in a variety of sizes. If 42 bands are most comfortable for you, then I would try the Lydia in 42F, 42FF, and 42G. Elomi runs big enough that I think 42GG is going to be way too big especially with how this Matilda is fitting you, but it can't hurt to try that too if you have the option!

  • Thanks you so much Adler! I really appreciate your fit pointers. And I read this after your comment on the Flirtelle Orla fit request so now I get it that I really do need a smaller cup size like a G or ever FF! I never would have thunk it. but your points about how it's pointy and the low on the chest gore etc. make sense to me. Yes, I just took this photo when I posted it. I do think the front wires fetl like they're too low, perhaps this model too just climbs down too much for a short torso. Many thanks again!

  • 1

    Well, I actually also have a short torso and pretty short breast roots, and the Matilda only climbs down my waist when the wire is too big for me! I think I have pictures on here of me wearing the 38GG, which would show what I mean. When the wire is actually the right size, it stays snug. I was worried the next size down would be too narrow or small on me, but nope—unicorn!

    When you find that underwire that fits, often the rest of the bra magically fits too, even if the sizes above it seemed too small in places. It's super weird, but it works. When you're trying to figure out your size, the wire is the most important thing to look for. It's hard to know when it actually fits, but it gets easier with help and practice!

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Fit information

On Jan 2022 View measurements

Reviewing this bra after it stopped fitting - no longer the right size

Underwire length:
Is too short on the side, boobs escape
Band fit:
I can fasten it, but it feels too tight
Cup's width:
Outer cup cuts into breast tissue in the sides

This bra didn't fit her, but these did