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Bra » Dalia » Satine Push-up Strapless (K16) » 80A » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band82.0
Band Length66.0
Stretch ratio1.2
Cup width13.0
Cup depth19.0
Depth ratio1.5
Wire length20.0
Cup height13.0
Cup separation1.8
Gore height4.0
Wing height8.5
Strap width1.0
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Hasn't set fit

Okay, I brought this bra on super sale (50% off) on not for myself, obviously it's not my size, it's for my sister. Well, it's kind of for me b/c I wanted to examine what a Dalia bra is like, I only have one of their sports bras. If you're interested, I did a little write-up how to order from Dalia, it was painless.

I digress, this is such a cute bra in a matrix size. I pulled out an old V.S. bra and there is no comparison as far as construction; the Dalia bra has much, much better construction. The devil is in the details? I guess b/c the Dalia bra is lined with elastic along the wings (both top and bottom) so the band doesn't stretch out as fast, unlike the band on the V.S. bra.

I can't really compare the two because this Dalia bra is a padded push-up; it has removable cookies and the cups are lined with a soft knit fabric, unlike the V.S. bra which just has foam dome cups. The Dalia bra is also lined with elastic along the cups near the armpit (not sure if one can picture this) so that the cups adhere to your body better; I just looked at all of my other Polish bras (Ewa Michalak and Comexim) and they all have this added detail, too. So, the molded foam dome bras skimp out on a lot of sewing, obviously.

I know they've sold out of it, but this particular bra has removable straps so it's a multi-way bra technically. My only criticism would be (granted, I'm not trying it on) that the straps are a little thin, but I guess this is common (or even desired?) in the smaller cup sizes: it's not like this bra has to hold up boobs my size, lol. But I noticed for this other review a couple weeks ago, the bratabaser said that the shoulder straps were actually quite thick, so I guess it depends on bra size : )

The outside of the cups are lined with soft satin fabric. The bra is cute as buttons. If my sister doesn't wear this, I'm sure she'll just pass it on to another relative, or maybe Poshmark. I know technically not for me, but I still added it to bratabase, I was curious about Dalia bras. It was only $15 on clearance, what a steal!

Czarny (Black) colorway

Updated on Jan 30, 2022 Flag this

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