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Bra » Freya Active » High-octane (401003) » 32H » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band87.0
Band Length68.5
Stretch ratio1.3
Bust perimeter100.0
Cup width17.5
Cup depth30.0
Depth ratio1.7
Wire length34.0
Cup height22.0
Cup separation2.0
Gore height16.5
Wing height12.0
Strap width3.0
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Hasn't set fit

First off I accidentally added this under "Freya" not "Freya Active" so maybe that can be fixed by JJ?


I got this in 32H. To compare, my Panache Wired sports bra is in 32H aswell. (Just realized I've not even added that one here I will do that next week).
The size difference between the two is crazy, I thought the Panache fit pretty well but after trying this bra on, and then the Panache, the Panache is like, 3 sizes bigger than this bra. I will measure when I am home next week.

The band is quite firm, more firm than Panache.
The wires are wide, but the cups are projected enough that my tissue seem to stay in place so far, I will have to return once I have actually worn this to the gym to review properly" alt=":)" />

It has 4 hooks in the back.

Because the band is quite tight, a little too tight for me, the bras edges under my arms do dig in, but I would think this will be fixed by an extender until I "break it in".

The gore fully tacks on me in this sports bra, it doesn't on Panache. My boobs also fill out the entire cup, there's no empty space anywhere except near the wires on the side, but that part lays flat anyway, the wires won't bother me at all I think.

Overall I am impressed. I've seen Freyas older sports bra models and they look awful, cone shaped, east west. This one, before I bought it I saw a few videos/photos where it looked really pointy from the side so I was scared but look at the roundness!!

This one feels like a replica of the Panache one , but better. I am completely strapped in, I did the jump test and the boobs do not move at all.

Do not sleep on this bra!! If you're unhappy with Panache try this one.

PS I got this in the ugliest color because it was on sale LMAO. It comes currently in 4 colors. This one, Galactic, Black, Leopard and a weird pinky black mix.

Galactic colorway

Updated on Nov 30, 2023 Flag this

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  • Show all comments (6)
  • 1

    I’ve never seen/heard of this one! Is it a new model? It looks really nice and Ihas definitely piqued my interest because you said he wires sit flat unlike the Panache wired bra. I wear the unwired Panache sports bras because I feel like the wires are pointless. Does this High Octane bra fit true to size, or how would you recommend deciding on sizing? I find the Panache sports bras mostly fit TTS in my case, although sometimes I have to sister size because I find the bands are snug on some of them.

  • 1

    Wow, typo city. Sorry! That should read: “It has definitely piqued my interest because you said the wires sit flat.”

  • 1

    It is pretty new!

    I honestly can't say if it's true to size because I barely know what size I am. I can fit pretty perfectly into 30HH Cleo by Panache bras, but like I said this one is a bit tight in the band for a 32, and I am like 31'' UB.

    I think I have some other old Panache bras at home in about 30HH aswell I will try them when I am home and come back with an answer :D Might have a Jasmine.

    I don't have any freya bras to compare with tho.

  • I honestly just went with 32H based on how my Panache fit and how i fit in the cleo bras, but yea for some reason when i put the panache on after, that one was massive on me. I might also be having a "small boob day" for the panache (happens to me a lot, lots of fluctuation lol). honeslty just need to measure both and come back :P

  • 1

    Moved the bra to Freya Active :)

  • Whoa! Congrats on this find! Finally Freya does something new and they get it right! I will add this to my try list too. I also struggled with Panache Sport wires laying flat- I think there was never enough depth in the cups and not enough height.

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