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Bra » Comexim » Cindy (CMCINDY) » 70M » Bras » Owner


Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage0.0
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band78.7
Band Length59.7
Stretch ratio1.3
Cup width15.2
Cup depth27.9
Depth ratio1.8
Wire length30.5
Cup height21.0
Cup separation1.3
Gore height8.9
Wing height12.7
Strap width1.9
This bra's measurements have been altered
Sewed on a different bow.
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It seems like BoB has had this marked down for a while. For 28$, I can excuse the pretty minor fit issues. (Small amount of gaping at the edge, for the most part.) After putting it on I noticed that it felt a lot tighter than my other 32 bands, and measuring it confirmed that its on the smaller side of 32, maybe closer to a 30.

The band is covered with the same lace that decorates the cups, which I presume is also impacting its firmness. Cups are lined with a flexible, thin foam and a layer of soft knit on the inside. The straps are made with either the same or a *very* similar elastic to what EM uses. Adjusting them is a massive pain, but those adjustments aren't going anywhere.

I'm not complaining about the fit here because there's actually very little to complain about. It's comfortable, it doesn't slide down, and the WIRES ARE NARROW ENOUGH!! Not a lot of brands can do that so I'm very ecstatic.

This bra, aesthetically, reminds me a lot of BM Tulipan. While the lace is on the rougher side and fairly textured, it doesn't show too much under clothes, which is nice.
I didn't like the bow it came with, so I sewed on a matching black one from another model. One thing I noticed is that Comexim bows are both very big and tacked in extremely securely— it took me way longer than usual to unpick them.

This bra is not owned any more

Updated on Oct 11, 2024 Flag this

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