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Bras » Athleta » Reviews

  1. Hullabraloo (553733)



    Didn't fit

    Edit: Just realized I never measured this..aaaand I feel horrible.

    There's a lot I downright can't stand about this bra.

    Let's start out with minor complaints and(after the first complaint) things that I do like:

    For one, it's coral. Oh my sea babies, I hate coral. I bought it off eBay and it looked bubble gum pink in the photo. I realized when I looked at it again, that there was a very bright light cast on it in the picture.
    So that is the very very least of the issues with this bra.
    Aside from color, appearance-wise, I did think it was pretty cute.
    I like the small details like the "embossed" looking ... writing on the band, the logo, and the mesh in practical places (under center of boobs and straight down the back; how great is that?).

    And now onto everything else that I, well, I'm really trying not to say I hate, but it's quite impractical, and I do hate impractical sports bras.

    I do have to mention quickly that I'm pretty disappointed. I became familiar with Athleta after my mom, obviously well intentioned/ not knowing at all how expensive they were (I've seen water bottles there for more money than workout bottoms I've bought elsewhere), gave me a giftcard for $25. I remember I couldn't even buy a water bottle because they're so expensive.
    I could have totally used it towards something, but I can't see myself dishing out that much money for things that are going to be sweaty, smelly, and pilly in a few wears unless I get super into working out(which really, I should).

    For reference, their beach towels are currently $82.

    Honestly, I expected their sports bras to be of higher quality. In all honesty, their sports bras are fairly normal price for one that actually works, and they do sell Panache as well, so I assume they're not all useless.


    1. The band: Obviously, I don't think I'll be able to measure how far this stretches because someone thought it was a fabulous idea to make it overall, a pullover bra.
    I do hate pullovers, and I have to say, I didn't think this one through.

    The band is very stretchy; honestly, the rest of the bra is more taut than the band. I put it on and felt like I was being supported from right behind my boobs, which might be better, but it felt awful.
    This is one of those annoying bras that, while I feel the band is too stretchy, it simultaneously feels too tight: on the loosest hook, I feel unsupported, while on the tightest or middle hooks, it feels uncomfortable.
    Will never understand that.

    2. Cup height:
    I think I could make do in the 32D, if it weren't for the cup height (or lack thereof).
    I honestly do not want to, and will not be trying the 32DD unless I see it listed super cheap somewhere, but I'll probably still pass at this point. I could buy cute stationary with that money, or just maybe save it.

    The cup height is really dumb. That's unfortunately the best way I can describe it.
    If it were higher, I would be fully compressed, not at all quadding, and have less bounce. The top part of my boobs that are uncovered bounce like crazy. This will never work for running.
    I read on reviews that someone used it for horse back riding. I honestly think, as long as your horse isn't running super fast, that are probably what this is best for.
    Then again, I could be wrong; maybe this is simply too small for my boobs and the 32DD would be taller or something.
    Though in any case, I did still experience bounce on the covered areas, just not as much, obviously.

    It could be cutting because I'm nearing that special time of month, but my boobs are mostly firmer, not too much larger, so..we'll see. I'll update if the quadding disappears, but I doubt it.

    3. Shape:
    I have tall roots and long boobs. I'm tuberous. Most sports bras have always given me sqaure boobs, and this one is no exception.
    The only sports bra that's left me rounded while still compressing is the Shock Absorber Ultimate Run Bra. That bra is just amazing all around though.
    This one pushes my tissue forward a bit, while squishing it, and lengthening it even more. Result: sqaure/rectangle boobs with bulges out the top and on bottom, and flatness in between. Gorgeous.
    Again, may be the size issue, but I'm not too excited to try the DD.

    And the most:

    4. Straps that are not only not fully adjustable, but can't be adjusted at all! Yay!

    This has two disadvantages:
    1.Obviously, not being able to customize the bra to your body, which I feel is especially necessary in sports bras.
    2. The racerback is permanently attatched as-is. I'm not sure of a good way to explain, but imagine having just a normal bra with a racerback that is non-adjustable and can't be separated.
    I've seen plenty of sports bras with this design, and it's just...dumb.

    I honestly can't tell if I need the straps looser or tighter, but I'm not about to attempt to alter this.

    Basically, you have to pull the whole thing over your head, which hurts because my shoulders are larger than most of my body (about 40") and my upper arms together are definitely , unfortunately the size of my waist(no idea how that happens).. As mentioned, the rest of the bra besides the band is much more taut, so yeah, that hurts to pull over.
    And the straps are in between too long and short, so I don't even know.
    This one's a big fail.

    Overall, I wouldn't really recommend this bra unless you need something for light activities and don't want to get your nice bras sweaty or something. o_o
    Like gardening, walking on a hot,humid day(hi, Pennsylvania),boating on a hot, humid day, ...stuff like that. Lol

    Idk how decent these are new, though I have an awfully hard time imagining that the band was originally taut because I feel like the whole bra would have stretched out. Though I guess the band is of lower quality than the rest of the bra, too..


    I wouldn't really recommend this bra to anyone who isn't a gardener in Pennsylvania(really it's super humid here), but it might work for, I just don't recommend it.

    Oh! Yoga! Ok, it'd work for yoga. I knew there was something I was missing.
    That's about it.

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    Coral colorway

    This bra is not owned any more

    Updated on Jul 30, 2015 Flag this

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  2. Ultimate Zip Front D-dd (657883)



    Hasn't set fit

    Athleta's D-DD size chart doesn't even show XXS, yet they sell this bra. Extrapolating from the A-C size chart, I expected this to be a 30DD. It's more like a 28C, maybe even a 26D? Waaay too small to zip over my 33" bust.

    Updated on May 03, 2023 Flag this

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