I'm usually staunchly anti-full cup, but I decided to give this one a go because I liked the idea of a smooth, opaque beige unpadded bra and it looked nice and round on the model. I don't know how they achieved that because it's a mess on me. This is the saddest my boobs have ever looked in a bra. They somehow point lower than they do without one. The cups are also slightly too large which doesn't help. I don't have the top fullness to fill the upper section so it makes me look very flat on top, however I assume it would cut into FOT boobs. The fabric is very nice but the shape is horrible. I don't recommend this bra to anybody.
The band on this bra is quite firm, but still within range for a 32. The material for the bra is very unusual, a bit slick to the touch like swim fabric, but not at all shiny. The interior is entirely lined in mesh. The lace lies flat under shirts except for the fringe at the very top of the cup, which sticks up - I may trim this bit off.
The fit is pretty good, but not perfect. I am entirely FOB, I think it would be a best fit for someone that is mostly FOB but with a little bit of upper fullness. The cut may also work for an even shape, I'm not sure.
The design and construction is beautiful. Small bow details have been continued on the back of the bra at the strap attachments there as well as the front. The cream and floral combination is very well matched.
This bra is a t-shirt bra. The cups are made of a firm nylon weave that feels smooth and soft to the touch. Inside the cup is a side support foam panel to help shape the bust forward.
This bra is a 32F but is too big for me. It goes up too high on my chest and wrinkles abound. Simply not for my breast shape! However, it seems as if it would be very comfortable on the right chest. Brand new with tags!
Much more heavily padded and heavy than the usual bras I buy. But the detailing and high quality construction are apparent in this bra. It fits beautifully, especially on the sides. My husband liked the antique styling of this bra.
I love the look and feel of this bra! It is so very beautiful. I've never actually been able to wear it, though--the band is far too small. It only stretches to about 28 inches. I picked it up as the store was closing because it was pretty, strapless, and supposedly my size. It also has a small tear where I assume the tag had been--it was missing, despite being purchased brand new. The bra looks to be well made otherwise, so I think it is the result of a careless worker or shopper rather than the construction of the bra itself.
Comparing the measurements to the Cherub with straps, this bra also seems to be smaller in the cup. I think it is closer to a 28F or 28FF than a 32F.
This is probably the best-fitting bra I've tried on recently. There is a line of elastic across the top of the cup that very nicely solves the wrinkling problem I often get with my bottom-heavy boobs. I have problems with the straps, though. They seem to adjust long enough, but the bra sags a bit once they reach that point, and they want to slip off. They also REALLY dig into my shoulders, and the decorative stitching irritates my skin. I have not worn this for very long to see if I get used to it, but I'm not sure if I'll be keeping it if this problem stays around.
This bra is a good strapless bra, but it doesn't fit me anymore. I bought it in Jan. 2011, and have not worn it much to be honest. It comes with detachable straps, which I still have.
This bra is a good strapless bra, but it doesn't fit me anymore. I bought it in Jan. 2011, and have not worn it much to be honest. It comes with detachable straps, which I still have.