The Cleo Minnie is the best fitting bra that I own. The Minnie's shape is front and center, which is compatible with my own. It gives a more rounded shape than my Freya plunges, but less than the Cleo Lily. I think it's well made, and the pictures give an accurate representation of its appearance IRL.
I have short, narrow roots, and am even FOT/FOB with lots of inner fullness and average projection. My biggest problem with bras in my size is that the wires tend to be too tall and stabby under my arms, and cups tend to be too tall at the strap ... and the wings. Although the Minnie's cups are still technically too wide, the wires, wings and cup height are low enough to be comfortable. Because my breast tissue does not extend to the outer sides of the cup, the 10" cup depth is just about perfect for my 9" breast depth. The embroidered mesh at the top of the cup angles in perfectly for me. I did need to bend the wires at the gore for comfort when I first wore the bra, but it's been comfortable since. Oh, and it's very supportive, too.
I own this bra in 2 colors. The Sky Blue fit TTS from the beginning. I wore the Navy with an extender for the first few weeks but it now fits TTS.
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Sky Blue Spot colorway
Updated on Nov 14, 2015 Flag this
I too am short, narrowish, even with centre fullness and Minnie is my best too!