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Bras » Cleo » Piper Longline Balconnet Bra (9357) » 30G 30:9

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage72.9
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band73.4
Band Length63.1
Cup width14.4
Cup depth25.8
Wire length27.1
Cup height18.0
Cup separation2.0
Gore height10.4
Wing height11.6
Strap width1.5

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  1. 1

    Didn't fit

    28GG-H/30G-GG, projected, pendulous, bottom and center full.

    I got the Cleo Piper bra in Soft Turquois a few months back in summer.
    I immediatly fell in love with how pretty it is, I absolutely love the color and the little yellow detail, I love how it
    looks on me, the matching panty is just as pretty. Sadly I don't wear it anymore. Mainly because I gained weight and spill out of it,
    but it also diggs into my sides like crazy, I'm pretty sure this is my first and last longline bra.
    Every time I decided to wear this bra for a day, my ribcage would literally hurt after a ... few hours and I'd have
    bright red indentations on the side of my ribcage. The band is definitally not too tight, it's the way it's constructed.

    I really really like the material tho, it's nothing special but exactlly what I'm looking for in a basic everyday bra, it's quite soft.
    I'm pretty sure the digging issue is different for different body types, I might just have too much squishy fat on me.

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    71 more words

    Soft Turquois colorway

    Updated on Apr 02, 2019 Flag this

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    • 1

      I tried a cobalt Piper and although I needed a cup size up, the wires under my arms were really high and uncomfortable so I never bothered to find it in my proper size. I'd hoped that the new shorter ones would have fixed the problem but it sounds like it has not been.

    • Calluna Yep, if you had similar issues I would sadly not recommend this one. It's so disappointing when a bra is beautifull but ends up beeing really uncomfy.

    • 2

      Very beautiful bra! Please add the bra measurements when you get a chance. The data is helpful to so many of us during searches, and helps strengthen the database as a whole. Thank you!

    • I love the Piper and can't wait to try it out for myself! But don't let one bad experience with a longline keep you from trying others! Not all longlines and designed or created the same. Cleo has a very particular look and construction that just may not work with you when it comes to their longlines, but you very well may love others. I also believe this one has side boning in it and that may be whats bothering you. You could likely easily remove it or avoid buying others with boning.

    • LeProfessor Yes, that's exactly what I meant!! The side boning was a bit too aggressive for me, I'm not a native english speaker so I kinda struggled to find the right words. Also, I'm a little afraid the fabric will just roll up if I remove the boning :/

    • 1

      Added messurements + better pictures

    • Thank you@ juliaae :-)

    • 1

      I think you would be fine removing the boning from this, but from the rest of you review it seems (haha, seams) that it isn't the best fit for you anyways since your spilling out of it. No need to do bra surgery if the cups are too small anyway!
      But if that doesn't bother you and you still want to remove the boning you could do it easily. I can see there is some elastic at the bottom of the "longline." IDK why they call these longline bras instead of banded bras. I'm sorry but that only comes down like an inch off of the bottom of the cups! This is not a longline in my mind. But I do not think it would roll up without the boning there.

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  2. -

    Hasn't set fit

    Didn't write a review

    Added on Oct 06, 2020