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Bras » Cleo » Reviews

  1. Lucy Balconnet Bra (5851)



    Hasn't set fit

    This bra fits very well. I am supported, comfortable, and best of all, no quadraboob! The color is gorgeous, too. I had previously worn a too-tight Lucy in 34FF & although it didn't fit right, it did give me fantastic cleavage. This bra doesn't do that, but the absence of quadraboob means I can wear it under clinging tops. Happy with this bra.

    Updated on Apr 16, 2013 Flag this

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  2. Lucy Balconnet Bra (5851)



    Didn't fit

    The construction is very nice and the design is very pretty (I have the navy/pink colorway). I would prefer a higher wing and more hooks. The cups are wide, which is good for me, but still too deep for me near the center. I have very shallow boobs so this is probably good for others. It gives a nice shape.

    Updated on Apr 15, 2013 Flag this

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  3. Melissa (6991)




    Fitted beautifully

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  4. Juna Balconnet Bra (6461)



    Didn't fit

    My boobs: Close together at center, wide and shallow, full on bottom. Cups are too narrow for me and I have tissue escaping at the armpits. Underwires do not go back far enough in the armpit. Gore is far too high in front and causes pain because my breasts are close together. Cup suits my FOB breasts well.

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    Updated on Apr 15, 2013 Flag this

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  5. Zia Balconnet (6851)



    Didn't fit

    I loved the way this bra looked, but the cups were a bit too big - the wires wrapped around too far back, and stabbed my armpit a bit.

    I noticed that even though the Zia is supposed to be the same cut as the Marcie, the fabric used for the Zia is far more firm than that of the Marcie.

    Updated on Apr 14, 2013 Flag this

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  6. Marcie Balconnet Bra (6831)



    Didn't fit

    I quite liked this bra - gave me a fantastic shape, but after scooping & swooping, I was quadboobing in it - cups were a bit small. The band on this was snug, but still comfortable. Loved the way this bra looks - bright and colorful" alt=":)" />

    Updated on Apr 14, 2013 Flag this

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  7. Marcie Balconnet Bra (6831)

    This bra fits me quite well! The wires are slightly too wide, but they don't stab under my arms, and the bra gives me a fantastic rounded shape that I like. This is the first un-padded bra I've found that does this! The bra was quite snug at first, but stretched out after a week or two to where it was really comfortable" alt=":)" />

    Updated on Apr 14, 2013 Flag this

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  8. Bonnie (6191)



    Didn't fit

    Nice enough, it just totally doesn't work for me. I have a shallow shape and breast tissue that extends very far up on the top so I do well in a more open cup, and this style is too closed on the top for me.

    Updated on Apr 13, 2013 Flag this

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  9. Marcie Balconnet Bra (6831)



    Didn't fit

    I fall between a 30/32 band size and since many reviewers said the band size ran very snug I decided to go with the larger size and increased my cup too.Well, it turns out the band is too loose on me,the cups run too big, and the mesh material runs too high also.

    Updated on Apr 12, 2013 Flag this

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  10. Brooke (5141)



    Didn't fit

    This bra fits in terms of size, but not in terms of shape. The cups are too shallow and far apart for my bust. The wires are broad and high, sitting too far back on my body and uncomfortably high under my arms. I also prefer a more front and center shape, whereas this bra makes my breasts very round and close to my chest.

    Updated on Apr 12, 2013 Flag this

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  11. Lucy Balconnet Bra (5851)



    Didn't fit

    It's too small" alt=":(" /> I thought I could make it work since I have the Lucy in a 32F, which is a little too small in the cup as well, but for some reason the 30FF feels even smaller. It's definitely too small in the band as well - I can fasten it, but it just feels uncomfortable to wear. I find I can only fit 30 bands if the material is very stretchy, such as Curvy Kate's Showgirl line.

    That said, there's something really beautiful and classic about the white colorway in the Cleo Lucy. I'll probably end up ordering one in the 32FF. And this one will be a nice bra for someone else once I list it.

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    Updated on Apr 11, 2013 Flag this

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  12. Juna Balconnet Bra (6461)



    Didn't fit

    This bra should work, but it doesn't. The wires seem to be the right width and length but the outer apex towards the arms of the wire's curvature hurts against my ribs, and the gore becomes uncomfortable after some time. Not to mention the issue of the lace failing to lie flat.

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    Updated on Apr 11, 2013 Flag this

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  13. Juna Balconnet Bra (6461)



    Didn't fit

    A+ bra. The lace lies flat, which is a sign that the cups are too small, but the bra feels perfect. I've ordered a 28DD to see how that fits, but the 28D is currently my favorite bra to wear.

    Updated on Apr 11, 2013 Flag this

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  14. Karen (6881)




    This bra is AWESOME!! Best fitting bra I have. It is a balconette molded cup style. The band is true to size. The pattern is so cute! I just wish it came in more colors. The gore is narrow enough for me and the wires are wide enough to encompass all of my breast tissue. No gapping or wrinkling.

    If you want fuller coverage, I suggest going up one cup size from your normal size and keep your usual band size.

    The only bad thing I have to say about this bra is that I wish it had a leotard back for more support.

    This bra is not owned any more

    Updated on Apr 09, 2013 Flag this

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  15. Jude (5846)



    Didn't fit


    Doesn't show lines through darker tshirts

    Ridiculously comfortable

    Best cleavage bra I've found for the larger breasts in a while.

    Don't have to worry about slipping out of it


    Creaks for a while after putting it on

    Have to adjust straps often - likely a band issue for me

    Too few hooks." alt=":(" />

    Updated on Apr 08, 2013 Flag this

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  16. Juna Balconnet Bra (6461)

    I love this bra. It gives a good rounded shape, encases all my breast and the centre gore is fairly high which I find very comfortable (short centre gores dig in on me). The band runs true to size but the cups runs small. I need to go up a cup size. The fabric is soft and very comfortable. I can barely feel this bra when I'm wearing it.

    Updated on Apr 08, 2013 Flag this

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  17. Marcie Balconnet Bra (6831)

    The Marcie is a very light weight, breathable bra that provides a good amount of support for how delicate it seems. The lace on the cups is very comfortable and not at all scratchy, and the mesh of the rest of the bra is equally comfortable.

    I found the band to be quite snug for a 28. It's almost to the point where I would prefer to wear it with an extender, but not quite. I think for anyone who is on the cusp of being a sub-28 band, this would be a nice bra to experiment with if you're not yet ready to jump into the custom pool. ... The band is also fairly firm-- it didn't seem to me to have a ton of give to it.

    The cups are, like my Cleo Melissa, up front. On me, this bra creates a nice rounded, perky shape that I really like. I think everyone has a perfect style out there for them, and it seems to me that the George/Marcie/Melissa family is the one for my boob shape. The underwires sit about a fingers length back from the edge of my root, but that's my only real complaint about the cups of this bra. Otherwise, it fits very well.

    I've worn this bra for a bit, and the only thing I will say is that after a full day of active wear, the sides can dig in just a little bit. I think this might have to do with the fact that I've lost a good deal of weight recently and don't have as much padding as I am used to, however.

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    Updated on Apr 07, 2013 Flag this

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  18. Jude (5846)



    Didn't fit

    This is a great sexy bra. The cups are molded and pretty stiff. While I bought a Wacoal and a Natori 32G on the same day, I tried a 32G inJude, and the cups seemed comically large. The 32F fit better on me. Its most comforatble on the widest hook right now. I bought this the sale rack of Nordstorms, and also found matching hipster panties, which ride up my ass.

    Updated on Apr 07, 2013 Flag this

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  19. Rihanna (6621)

    I can still get away with a 30D in Cleo Ellie some of the time, but this 30DD fits me better, really, and gives me a nicer, rounder shape now.
    The lace (as well as the straps & closure in the back) is a darker red than the slightly orangey lace on the Rita (this bra is new, though, and my Rita was used, so maybe the colours were a bit faded). My photos don't show the colours accurately.
    Like the Ellie, Juna or Rita it's a very comfortable bra that is particularly suited to wide root shallow breasts.

    Updated on Apr 06, 2013 Flag this

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  20. Marcie Balconnet Bra (6831)



    Didn't fit

    One of my best fitting bras, another Nordstrom Rack find. Everything about it is almost perfect, except for the gore. It lays flat against my chest, but it is too high for my close boobs. It's been getting better as I've been getting used to it, but I have a sore red mark at the end of the day :/

    That being said, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the shape it gives me. Perky and rounded and Gorgeous!

    If anybody finds me this exact bra with a slightly lower gore I will be forever in your debt.

    Updated on Apr 05, 2013 Flag this

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