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Bras » Cleo » Reviews

  1. Hettie Balconnet Bra (9011)



    Didn't fit

    The Great Amazon Prime Wardrobe Try-On, Pt 2!
    My shape: FOB, narrow roots/shoulders, soft tissue, 32G (though I'm thinking maybe more 30G since a lot of these 32 bands are too stretchy for me!)

    Fit: The band is firm but not uncomfortable so. The straps are just a touch too wideset, though there is a soft padding on the underside of them that makes them pretty comfortable. The top of the cup is a slightly stretchy, cobalt blue lace that has a thin piece of elastic along the edge; on my smaller breast, I have gaping, but it fits my larger breast. Man, asymmetry can be such a pain!

    Appearance: These colors! I feel like I'm wearing a mermaid bra. I really love the cobalt blue with the teal green.

    This bra is not owned any more

    Updated on Jun 18, 2018 Flag this

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  2. Juna Balconnet Bra (6461)



    Didn't fit

    I really wanted to love this bra. I really, really did. But the center gore of pretty much every Cleo bra I've tried has dug painfully into my sternum, even if I bend out the wires. Plus I don't get the lift I want out of it.

    This bra fit okay for a brief period of time, but it was short-lived. The straps are too thin for my tastes, they slid down my shoulders, and I never felt supported at all. While the measurements are similar to my Freya Deco, this one always felt more poorly constructed and like it was just barely holding me up.

    Nude colorway

    Updated on Jun 13, 2018 Flag this

    • 2

      Other reviewers say this is shallow and full-on-bottom, and I think you are neither of these things

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  3. Marcie Balconnet Bra (6831)



    Didn't fit

    Love at first sight! Although this is not my correct size it still fits pretty good, possibly because of how stretchy the band is. I did end up getting a 30G because I had ever so slightly in bra quadding where the lace starts. I was not sure if it would get better or worse as I wore it. Also I was worried that the band would get too loose but it sure was the most comfortable band I’ve ever had on. Not too firm but yet firm enough. The center gore tacked at the bottom not the top so I also thought maybe due to the cup size. I’d like to compare the Black in 28GG/G and 30G. If you read my review on the 30G in the Tangerine color it definitely seems to run way tighter in the band so I’m curious if this is the difference in size FF to G or if it’s the color Black vs Tangerine?!?

    Black colorway

    Updated on Jun 11, 2018 Flag this

    • I’d probably size up in the cup in this one as well as the 30G, as I’m not sure the sister size you suggested will be any better.

    • Thanks I’m going to try that!

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  4. Lucy Balconnet Bra (5851)




    This was one of the 8 bras I tried in my first Amazon Prime Wardrobe Box! (Sadly, 8/8 did NOT fit)
    I had read so many glowing reviews of this that I just HAD to try it! I was hoping it would fit me as well as/on par with my Ewa Michalaks, since Cleo bras are a lot easier to get in the States. Alas, it was not meant to be! I think the cups aren't projected enough? I was getting some weird smooshage on the bottom of the cup, as if there wasn't enough space for my soft tissue. The tops of the cups felt fine, but the ... bottom had this weird shape like it was squishing me in there. I was pretty disappointed, especially since this bra is so cute!
    I generally don't like bras without more than 3 hooks, but if this had fit me better, I would have made concessions for the fact that it only has 2. Ah, well.
    I think I will try a 30GG and a 32GG next time I make a Prime Wardrobe order, as long as they are eligible. Here's hoping!

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    This bra is not owned any more

    Updated on Jun 02, 2018 Flag this

    • Lucy didn't fit me either: the gore base is too wide and smoothed my tissue. No lift and just compression in this bra for me.

    • That must be the same problem that I had! I'm not very good at describing what the heck I am experiencing, lol.

    • Autocorrect changed "smooshed" to "smoothed" Ugh. Did you see wire lines on your breasts? It is remarkable how many bras are simply not created for close-set and center-full breasts.

    • I didn't have it on long enough to see any wire lines, unfortunately.
      What does that mean, gore base? Like how wide the gore part actually is? (the "cup separation" measurement?)

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  5. Hettie Balconnet Bra (9011)



    Didn't fit

    Hettie fits pretty well on me, it might actually be the bra that fits the closest out of any I’ve tried. But the gore! The gore digs into my sternum at the top and leaves red marks.

    Violet Mix colorway

    Updated on May 20, 2018 Flag this

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  6. Lucy Balconnet Bra (5851)

    My boobs have grown quite a bit since the last time I measured myself, so I had to order a new batch
    I'm pretty projected and my breasts are pretty "perky," and I'm even leaning toward full on bottom, with close-set breasts.
    This fit me perfectly, and it's so comfortable. I often have problems with gores digging in because I'm petite, but I didn't have that problem with this bra. I don't know why it was discontinued, but I bought a backup one just so I'd have one around.

    Updated on May 19, 2018 Flag this

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  7. Marcie Balconnet Bra (6831)




    It looks darker then on the photos. But the red trim makes a very nice contrast. When I took it out of the package I though “This is bedroom only.”: The cups are almost transparent when you hold it up against the light but when wearing it you can barely see my nipples.

    Fit / Sizing
    I got this in a 28F since some of my 28FFs were wrinkling a bit and I also expected it to have more room on top like my Cleo Kayla. But the cups are slightly smaller then in the Kayla and this doesn't have stretch lace so it's a bit small on my ... larger side but there is no visible quadding. I already ordered the black version in 30F for the days when I am a bit swollen and my boobs are bigger. However, the shape is perfect. I never had such a round, perky shape in any other bra. Maybe this is even a side effect of the slightly small cups. But I can totally live with that.

    I also expected a super stretchy band since it is one of the newer Marcie colorways, but it's actually really snug. I had to wear it with an extender a few times but now it stretched a little and feels comfortable on the loosest hook. With some of my bras (especially Freya) the wires are stretched too wide when the band is tight but in this one the they are narrow and super firm so they follow my IMF perfectly without poking me under the arms. This is actually more comfortable then having softer wires that are a little too wide.

    Quality (I only have it for three weeks now.)
    Overall it feels really firm and supportive without looking bulky. And it will be much more breathable then my black Cleo Zia next summer. I am just afraid that the thin mesh will make it stretch out more quickly.

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    Navy colorway

    Updated on Apr 02, 2018 Flag this

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    • 3

      It is so cute on you, but one word of warning--if you took the photos today, you might want to check the strain it is putting on the band (see the straining hooks and the fold it is putting in the skin of your back). Some people are incredibly tolerant of overtight bands and feel no discomfort, so you can't entirely rely on your own sensations, but in terms of the bra's longevity you will blitz the elastic of all but the highest-quality band by wearing it too tight, cf. your concern about stretching. I would keep the extender on there for sure unless you have access to unlimited numbers of this bra in this colorway to be able to replace it!
      If you took the photos the day you got it, it may have stretched enough to be ok. Put it on and assess the back view--there should be absolutely no sign of the hooks pulling, and that vertical fold of pinched skin should no longer be there. If those signs of excessive tightness are gone, examine the boning at the sides and if it is not slanted or distorting, then you are probably ok to wear it without fear of stretching it into oblivion!

    • 1

      The photos were taken for a fit check on reddit after the first day of wear. Tbh, I get this skin fold and (slightly) straining hooks in most of my bras because I'm wearing one band size smaller the recommended. I just hate it when my boobs can move or even jiggle and I actually like the feeling of my bras squeezing me a little (Yes, I'm weird). But they hold up quite well so far. I have about 20 in my rotation and I never we wear one for more then two days in a row.

      I can also eliminate the skin fold by pulling my back fat to the sides but that just creates more visible bulges under my arms. So I rather live with that skin fold and keep my back fat on my back where nobody can see it ;-)

    • I love this colourway. I’m trying to get this but still slightly indecisive between 30E and 30F based on the fit I had with the 32E a year ago. I think that I’m leaning towards the 30F though.

    • 1

      Oh, you're not the least bit weird--a lot of people enjoy compression, it is even recommended as something to try for anxiety symptoms or people with sensory problems! You might like to try longline bras or even corsets. For an extra secure fit in bras, full cup styles can provide that more easily than bras like the Cleo line, which is designed to be low-coverage, btw. Even if it's so tight it's ready to ping off you like an elastic and fly across the street, a bra can only prevent movement in the part of the breast that's contained. The UK brands don't always have the cutest designs in full cups but many other higher-end brands do, and you will often find them on sale. Lejaby Elixir, Eprise de Lise Charmel, Empreinte, Miss Mandalay and most of the Polish brands have 30 bands and really beautiful designs.

    • 4

      Tbh, this is cute but looks too small. You’ve got some quadding going on at least in these pics and it’s noticeable. You’ll get better encapsulation and overall support in a larger cup & possibly larger band.

    • "..a lot of people enjoy compression, it is even recommended as something to try for anxiety symptoms or people with sensory problems! "

      Thank you, that's interesting!
      I was diagnosed with a sensory processing disorder as a child (something similar to asperger syndrom but I can't remember what it was exactly).

      "Even if it's so tight it's ready to ping off you like an elastic and fly across the street"
      Lol, that reads like a script for my next next nightmare.

      I'm already planning to get a few more full cup bras (not too impressed with my Panache Jasmine). Empreinte and Lejaby Elixir are clearly out of my price range. Miss Mandalay looks very nice (especially the Paris). They are incredibly cheap on ebay but I never found one in my size. I am thinking about ordering the Comexim Charme or Geisha I am afraid of the whole shipping and return procedure.

    • 1

      Oh I get Empreinte and Elixir from discounters! UK discounters seem to have the best deals on Elixir. Empreinte is best found at French discounters, but I see you are in Germany--you have some good online discounters too, some on ebay and some not. There are usually some listed here as well.
      For cheaper and easier experimentation the UK brands do have SOME full cups and longlines for sure. If you look on the Figleaves UK site you will see a lot of choices, and I think their own brand as well as Pour Moi run very tight in band normally. Since Figleaves is a large retailer they have a nice reliable returns and exchange system.

    • 2

      This bra looks super good on you! I have a tendency to go for a slightly smaller cup too. A "little bit too small" is never a problem. You bra band being too tight on the other hand IS a physical, body problem. I am with you, I love the feeling of a tight band and the feeling of being squeezed by a nice tight corset or band. But wearing a band that is too tight is literally bad for your body. If you take a look around you will see pictures of women whom have worn too tight bands for a long time have very visible broken capillaries following their band around their rib cage. The main reason a too tight band is bad for the body is because the tension is over such a small area, if it were spread out over a larger area (like a long line bra or corset) it would be less of a problem, but a too tight band causes circulatory issues, damages skin and collagen production, it will also cause your fatty tissues to move away from the area where the elastic is. So if you continue to wear a bra band that is too tight, your torso will develop significant indents where the elastic sits on your body so your torso will not have a smooth line, and you will develops a line of broken blue capillaries around your torso, and could lead to circulatory issues.
      Just some food for thought!
      I wish I could find this bra in my size! GORGEOUS!

    • Thank you LeProfessor

      "you will develops a line of broken blue capillaries around your torso"

      I absolutely don't need this.
      Do you know how long it takes for these issue to become apparent? I am wearing 28Fs and 28FFs since about 6 month now but I tend to take them off or switch into a 30F or 32E when I get home. So maybe 9-10 hours per day.

      I get red marks especially from the band and the wires but they disappear after about an hour. I have once worn my Cleo Zia (fits much tighter then this one) for over 30 hours straight (long flight with multiple stopovers) and I had a two dark lines going around my chest that took several days to disappear. I thought it was just color from the fabric since the bra was brand new. But maybe I should be more careful with these super tight bras.

    • Most the women I've read about were wearing too tight bands for a very long time, like years. aboobaccount , I don't think a couple hours a day can do a lot of harm as long as your are not doing it all day every day and you remain hydrated. ^.^
      I try to keep the stretched measurement around my snug/loose under bust measurement since I don't have a lot of extra padding but I am very compressible. After looking at your measurements I would stay with 30's in Cleo/Panache but the 28 in Freya and Curvy Kate should be fine.

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  8. Christina Balconnet Bra (7441)



    Didn't fit

    My shape: even-to-slightly FOB, mid-height front-facing teardrop-profile (ski jump with no "jump") with tall shallow roots, low apex, lots of immediate projection underneath but moderate overall projection, wide roots with lots of side fullness and shallow tails that wrap all the way to the shoulder blade, extremely close-set center tissue (possibly a trace of natural symmastia), and very firm self-supporting tissue that when pushed out of shape will push right back.

    I purchased this bra (and my 32FF - Masquerade » Florence (6151) ) about 6 months ago and tried it on for photos, but hadn't gotten around to reviewing it because it REEKED of cigarette smoke ... right through my clothes. I've had it sitting on a shelf airing out since then, and I think it's finally safe for my allergies and I am so happy because it is just too lovely and it's been taunting me for so many weeks! The combination of dark navy blue and orange embroidery is a little strange, but not unattractive. It has a single red-and-white striped ribbon bow (odd choice with the orange, I'll agree to that) at the center gore with a little gold heart pendant.

    This is one of the Cleo/Panache Masquerade 2-panel half cup models. I adore my 30F - Masquerade » Maia (5221) , and this fits pretty similarly: same shape and support, although the neckline is a bit higher and there isn't quite so much Cakes-on-a-Plate, but a girl doesn't need that every single day.

    The cups are comfortably lined and give a rounded profile. There's some gapping on top right now, but I suspect it's a combination of the point of my hormonal cycle today and the stretchy band, because it's better on the tightest hook, and in the photos it was not noticeable at all. Plus, the straps are pretty far apart and join the cups quite high up, right at the point of my armpit, so every motion exaggerates the buckling along the top edge - if I slouch, I can fudge enough room for all four fingers in the cup! There appears to be a slight range of apex, instead of just one real point, which should accommodate more ladies with higher apexes than mine, and obviously the bra can handle a bit more upper fullness than I have.

    The band is a little flimsy, sadly, but so are the Maia's and all the other clones'. I wish they came with 3 hooks. I have a vague notion of either shortening the band or adding more elastic inside at the back of the band to give it some more life, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. It's comfortable and doesn't seem to be moving on the loosest hook, although it feels a bit firmer and more supportive on the second (snug 72.4/BTT 67.3 cm today). I do like my bands a bit snug, though.

    The wires are nice and wide, and with the tall wings and high cup sides, they keep my root tails in check. They are a pronounced U shape, though, which means that the outside curve doesn't follow my IMF there (a much flatter curve shaped like the Nike swoosh, as mentioned above) so there's some slightly empty cup there. The wires are on the firm side but not terribly so, and not too flexy or flimsy.

    I think there must be a magic spot on my sternum where some gores can hit that don't bother me, but 2mm up or down and it's agony all day. I have extremely close tissue, and there really aren't any gores I simply forget about, except for the Victoria Secret plunges I used to wear, but this one is right in the sweet spot and I like it.

    The straps are thin, and too far apart, like I mentioned. Since the corner of the cup where they're attached is rounded to blend with the other scallops on the edge, I think I can cheat them in a bit without it throwing the whole fit off, and hopefully get them out of my armpits.

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    Updated on Mar 19, 2018 Flag this

    • Glad you got one that worked, at least!

    • 2

      Gorgeous color combination. So glad the cigarette odor has dissipated!

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  9. Marcie Balconnet Bra (6831)



    Didn't fit

    I got this from another bratabase user and it fits so well compared to my other bras! The band is slightly too loose on the loosest hook which I attribute to previous wear. Cup on my smaller slide has minor wrinkling but appears fine under fabric. I may try to take it in along the seam between the bottom fabric and the lace to make it a smidge shallower. On me this fits much better than the b.tempted Ciao Bella Balconette in 30DD (too much space in the belly of the cup, caused wrinkling in the lace overlay) or the b.tempted b.sultry balconette in 30D (closes too quickly at the top and exaggerates my underarm tissue) or 30DD (too much space in the belly of the cup and still closes too quickly for my underarm fat). Very excited and hoping to find more bras with a similar fit in the future!

    This bra is not owned any more

    Updated on Mar 15, 2018 Flag this

    • The 'belly' of the cup is probably what we call the apex? Is that the raspberry color? Thats the one I had - it was a particularly stretchy one

    • Yes, the apex! I was searching for the right word and it wouldn't come to me . Oh, it is the raspberry color! Good to know that I shouldn't size down if I revisit this in another color, thanks!

    • Gorgeous color on you!

    • Beautiful! Such a lovely color. Glad it fits so well!
      Totally jealous, lol, wish I could find in my size (28D/30C)!!!!

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  10. Kali Balconnet Bra (7561)



    Didn't fit

    Itchy fabric.
    Gore digs into the sternum
    strap hurts my tail of spence and cup has gaps and wrinkles at the top

    Neon pink colorway

    Updated on Mar 13, 2018 Flag this

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  11. Hettie Balconnet Bra (9011)



    Didn't fit

    I am center full with touching breasts , short roots and need a ton of immediate projection. I probably am functionally full on bottom now, but in my perkier days I probably was even.

    This bra accommodates the immediate projection very well . I have no discomfort in the front underwires which is a rarity for me because the wires stay in my IMF.And I have no wrinkling at the side of the cups like I have in almost all bras.
    It is better than most on the center projection, although I probably could use a little more. One wire sits barely on breast ... tissue but then this happens in almost all bras.

    Gores are always a problem for me. This one is too tall and a little too wide for me. Anything taller
    than 2 inches is too tall.

    This is a really aesthetically a pretty bra. I got the teal.
    It seems to be a little higher quality than some of the Cleos. The band is a satin type fabric.
    I like the ridged strap although I wish they were fully adjustible. The strap is only adjustible in the back to just below the shoulder. The strap is padded over the shoulder.

    All cleo straps are a little wide on me and this is no exception.

    While this is not a perfect fit, it is one of the better ones because of such good immediate projection. And so I'll probably keep it. It is such a relief to find a bra with wires that stay in my IMF , that I'm willing to overlook
    the other more minor fit issues.

    The shape in a t shirt is not as round or quite as perky as some of the Cleos. It is a more natural shape.

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    Updated on Mar 10, 2018 Flag this

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  12. Koko Muse Moulded Plunge Bra (9166)




    This is my third or fourth Koko bra, so I feel like I can write an accurate review at this point. This is a replacement for the Cleo Neve for me, which fit me really well but was discontinued. The fashion colors of this bra (like the Neve) have smaller cut cups, different trim, and fit very slightly different than the beige and black version. The band doesn't stretch out too much to make them unwearable, even after six months of regular use. I think the Neve may have had even a firmer band, but I think the band on this is more comfortable. I really wish it came in some softer colors but I have the coral, denim blue, Heather grey and tan.

    Updated on Feb 23, 2018 Flag this

    • It looks great on you.

      And btw this shoe door rack is genius. I didn't even know something like this existed!

    • Doesn’t it drive you crazy that it doesn’t sit in your IMF? That always drives me bonkers.

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  13. Hettie Balconnet Bra (9011)



    Didn't fit

    This bra felt like I had a tray strapped to my shoulders. It has a kind of pointy shape, and since i have very little breast tissue on the top (I am pendulous and bottom heavy) this gave me a shelf-like look. Which I thoroughly did not enjoy.

    The band was too tight, I couldn't have fastened it myself on the outer hook even if I wanted to and that's why my daughter fastened it for me. With an extender it was more comfortable.

    The gore was tall enough and it tacked, so that fit aspect was nice as I felt supported. I filled out the bottom nicely ... and the band/underwires didn't move when I moved or adjusted. I didn't fill out the top though and that gave me a pointy bullet bra-shelf-look which was the opposite of what i was looking for in a new bra." alt=":P" /> The stretch lace wasn't really touching my breast anywhere, as most of my breast was gathered in the bottom slope of the cup.

    If the straps were closer together in this bra it might have fit me better. Along with a rounder shape it would most likely be near perfect.
    It's the first bra I've had where the gore actually touches the skin on my sternum, which was very comfortable. I'm looking forward to finding a bra that fits well after I've had my breast reduction.

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    Black colorway

    Updated on Feb 11, 2018 Flag this

    • From the way you describe it, it honestly sounds like the cup is too big. If the band was too small, maybe retry it in a 36F - larger band, smaller cup.

    • I think you should look for bras that don't have a cup that's made completely out of stretchy material like Hettie it. From your description here (pictures would help us figure it out better), it sounds like the bras cup stretched to contain your tissue, but then was too tall since your tissue sort of "puddled" into the bottom of the cup instead of being shaped by the cup. I'm not sure going up or down a size would really help you much in this situation. I know the Cleo Minnie has nice taught cups and fairly short cup height which should both be good things for you. Stretch lace at the top of a cup could be great for you since it conforms to shape, but if your tissue is super soft, you will need cups with much less stretch so that your tissue is shaped instead of shaping the bra. Though if you really like the bra definitely try what lcl0706 , said. It could do the trick or at least make it wearable.

    • 1

      thecatladies7011 belatedly commenting I agree it does look a little big (the photos uploaded to this bra are yours, right?) but personally I found Cleo materials and construction uncomfortable regardless of size and I've been everywhere from 30/32 E/F to 34G-H, so follow your instinct. If you have an ample, projected breast and slightly wider breast root, sizing down will help a cup fit at the top but the wires may be narrow for you.

      I see in your profile that you are likely recovering from your surgery so I wish you a swift healing process, and you are welcome back to find fabulous new bras when you are ready! Best wishes!

    • Hey, thanks for all the feedback. Pretty crazy that as soon as we decided to go real bra shopping, I got called into surgery and am sitting here all taped up, and looking forward to bra hunting again in a few months!

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  14. Blake Balconnet Bra (9151)



    Didn't fit

    The band slid down. I would lift my arms and scoop and swoop to adjust, but when i put my shoulders down the underwires would slide and move. The underwires slid down past the IMF and made it feel like my breasts were folding in on themselves in the cup.

    The overall comfort was nice. It didn't feel like a cage of fabric or anything of the sort. Howerver the underwires kept moving and so the fabric wrinkled when i couldn't fill the bottom of the cup. The straps are also too far apart for my shoulders.

    I liked the fabric as it was light, soft and just really ... nice. This felt somewhat sturdier than the Cleo Hettie. This bra has a more rounded shape with a closed top than the Cleo Hettie, which gave me a more pleasant shape. However it was too closed on top and created quadboob.

    I'm not certain as to why the band slid down. Regardless of the reason it certainly wasn't useful.

    My breasts are long, bottom heavy and pendulous. They are more full on bottom than on top, and my shape needs a bra that has closer straps and a rounded, lifting shape.

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    Pink colorway

    Updated on Feb 11, 2018 Flag this

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  15. Mimi Padded Balconnet Bra (8091)

    It seems to technically fit well. I fill the cups without overflowing, and the band is good. I think it needs to be broken in, though, because doesn't quite feel comfortable. I'll edit this review once I've worn and washed it a few times.

    I heard this cut was similar to Comexim 3HCs (my best fitting bras), and I think that's true. This 28F is about equivalent to Comexim's 60H, I'd say.

    I'm so glad Cleo released this rose print, because I was really interested in trying this bra back when the animal print was the only option, but I think animal print is absolutely hideous and have a ... personal policy against buying anything with it. This print, however, is more my style. It's kind of a cobalt blue with pink and bright green which is cute but not obnoxiously childish like some other Cleo patterns.

    Edit: it did soften up after a wash or two and was a great fit! Sadly, I've grown out of it for now due to pregnancy - it gives massive quadding that is obvious even under loose shirts. I'll definitely be keeping this one for when I go back to my regular size, but for now, Mimi has to wait in my drawer." alt=":(" />

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    This bra is not owned any more

    Updated on Jan 27, 2018 Flag this

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  16. Maddie Moulded T-shirt Bra (7201)



    Didn't fit

    I am really upset that Cleo seems to only offer size 28D in padded and moulded cup bras. So far I have not been a huge fan of them even though they're comfortable and look pretty good. I really like the low coverage of this bra, but it was not designed for a bust like mine. I think this bra was supposed to have a fuller coverage like your average moulded cup; only cut balcony style. It sort of follows the natural shape of my breast. I'm not shallow at the bottom of my breast, but most my tissue falls in the center of my breast making ... it so I need the most room at the apex. This bra has a VERY shallow bottom and very open top, my nipples aren't far below the top edge of the bra. So, it 'fit' and it made my bust look voluminous and rounded.
    The straps are your typical "elastic" style straps and these are fully adjustable. These straps appear to made of two separate "elastic" fabrics,l. The top fabric is covered in tight horizontal lines that are bit hard to stretch and the bottom looks like a more typical cotton elastic. They're also set very wide. Oddly enough, the way the straps are attached the cups they do no go straight up like usual, but the seem to angle away from the body. So far I have not had an issue with straps falling off of my broad shoulders. I spent the whole night slipping the left strap (but not the right strap for whatever reason) back onto my shoulder. Boy that was annoying.
    This is a used bra and as such the band stretched to 29" without the cups distorting (not that they could easily distort with the shape of the under wire). Which, IMO, is really not too stretched out for a well loved bra. So, it's still reasonably firm. I wore the bra on the loosest hook and should've worn on middle or tightest hook as the bra was not very stable on me, but the band did not ride up either. It was juuuust gripping me. It's made of an interesting fabric that is quite soft and smooth. If you hold it up to the light you can see faint columns in the fabric with horizontal lines going through them. It's an interesting pattern. The fabric is still fairly firm, but no where near as firm as the elastic remains. The elastic is thicker/denser on the bottom of the band than the top of the band. The visible side of the bra has the elastic covered by the band fabric while the inside of the bra has the elastic on display. The bottom elastic feels a lot more plush than the top elastic which feels more like that elastic that has a tendency to dig in. It's nice and grippy and managed to stay put even though it was just barely wrapping my rib cage. The elastic of the band continues across the whole bra and is attached underneath the cups. I wish the band was wider on this particular bra.
    These under wires have a very different shape compared to all the bras I've seen so far. Most the bras I've looked at have a familiar 'U' or 'C' shape to them. These under wires are shaped for like a slightly curved line . They come down in the typical 'C' fashion from the gore, but then the other side straightens out. I hope the pictures assist with my description. Because the wires are shaped like this and are fairly short, it allows my breasts to try and escape out the sides. I felt the need to pull my breast back into the cup fairly frequently. These wires are very firm and do not flex. Although they do seem to have some padding between the wires and your skin. Which may have been the only reason they did not dig in on me. The wires almost touch at the top of the gore and remain fairly narrow towards the bottom of the gore. Normally this would be great for me, but because of where the bra sits on me this gore is too wide and as you can see in my frontal picture, it's obviously sitting on tissue and would be an overall better fit if the gore was more narrow than it is. It is really narrow compared to most bras I've seen. Fortunately, if have this issue with many bras and my inner tissue is shallow enough that it hardly ever bothers me that the wires are sitting on it.
    The cups are made of a seamless moulded foam and covered in the same fabric used in the band. There is also some edging details (maybe lace?) on the top half inch of the cup that causes the cup to curl in some. It's not closed in enough to affect anyone whom runs away from bras that have closed top. In fact it is still very open on top and would not work for those whom need a closed edge. The lightly closed edge works well for me as it prevents any gaping I might have gotten from this moulded cup bra. This moulded cup is shaped completely differently from any other moulded cup I have come across. While I appreciate this, it does not hold my breast in very well. The bottom of the cup feels like it is squeezing the bottom of my breast instead of lifting and supporting it; while the top of the cup is just resting around my breast instead of holding it in and continuing the bras job of support. The outer edge of the cup does not seem like it's designed to pull your bust the center of the chest and hold it there. It seems like the whole cup is just designed to boost the bust up and allow it to sit there, unsecured.
    All in all; I really do love the way this bra makes my bust look under clothes even though you can clearly see the top edge of the cups through clothes. Perhaps it would not show through a very thick fabric, but it easily showed through my ribbed knit tank and thin cami's/tee's. It pretty d**n comfortable to wear but gives me no cleavage. I think this bra could do wonders for those whom are fairly shallow or women with FOB breast without a lot of "at the wire" projection needed. And I don't see any issues for those with FOT breasts. Tall and short roots alike should get along well with this bra as there is nothing to cut in and yet the cups are a much shorter height compared to the majority of the moulded cup bras out there. This certainly wouldn't work for close whom need closed top bras or those with ample amounts of projection. If you have loads of inner fullness and need lots of space at the gore, you may not get along with this bra. The same is true with those whom have ample amounts of outer fullness, although you may find this bra puts all that outer fullness front and center. I wanted more from this bra, but alas, it just barely fits.

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    Updated on Jan 25, 2018 Flag this

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  17. Kayla Balconnet Bra (9221)




    This bra is very comfortable, has nice front projection and creates a nice, voluptuous silhouette. The band feels stretchy and the stretch lace on top makes the girls jiggle a bit, which could be a good or bad thing depending on how you look at it. It felt supportive, I just don't know if the bounciness will bother me.

    Updated on Jan 23, 2018 Flag this

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  18. Zia Balconnet (6851)




    The dots are cool but they are also somewhat visible through most of my tops (even the darker ones). I even like that most of the time but for some color combinations it looks a bit weird.

    Sizing / Fit
    This is my most supportive bra. As others have mentioned, the band runs more like a 26/27. Not only is it quite short, it's also extremely hard to stretch. Even the fabric on cups is very sturdy and thick unlike my other Cleo bras. I always ask my boyfriend to strap me into this thing because it's such a struggle to put on. But once it's one the support ... is amazing, almost like my shock absorber sports bra but with a very nice round shape. But like my sports bra it can also feel very constricting after several hours so I only wear it (without an extender) when I really want tons of support.

    I have it for over 5 month now and it didn't stretch much. The hooks were pulling out a bit. But I could fix that by pushing them back in and bending them a little wider at the base.

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    Updated on Jan 16, 2018 Flag this

    • 1

      I love the polka dots and colors on this one. Looks great on you!

    • 1

      that looks way too small in the cups to me?

    • 1

      Yeah I'm going second dbmamaz , to me this looks pretty but the cups look rather small on you.

    • Yes, the top part cuts in a little when I pull my shoulders back or when I bend forward but you don't really notice it under clothes. I also got it in a 28FF but it looks about the same. So I guess it is just a bit too closed on top for my shape.

    • I'm going to agree with everyone else...this bra looks way too small on you. I would suggest going up a band size and not up a cup size. The way those hooks are struggling and how your back looks like it's being pinched together. I think a 30F will fit you much better than this 28F or a 28FF..

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  19. Skye Balconnet Bra (9121)




    2nd bra that fits so far! It isn't quite as supportive as I like (when I bounce up and down there is more jiggle than my other bras), but it is pretty comfortable. after wearing it for 45min or so, the wires felt like they were digging in a bit.

    At first, as with the cleo hettie, I wondered if the band was too tight-- but the band regular and stretched measurements were larger than most of the others that fit in the band. It fits upside down/backwards.

    Since it is just these 2 cleo bras that feel like this, maybe it is bc the wires are stiff?

    Or maybe just because I've worn them for longer and realize that they are not as comfy as when just putting them on for 5 minutes..

    Thinking about trying a 34d but thinking that even if the band was more comfortable, it might not fit as well overall.


    Updated on Jan 14, 2018 Flag this

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  20. Hettie Balconnet Bra (9011)



    Didn't fit

    This bra actually fit except for the center gore digging into my sternum. I bent the wires back a bit and still was uncomfortable. Also felt like the wires were digging in under my breasts or like the band was too tight. Based on regular and stretched band measurements, the band isn't any shorter than other ones that felt comfortable, so I am wondering if it is just the wires being stiff. Although, I did wear this bra around the house for a while, which I haven't with the others.

    Have thought about trying a 34d but it seems like the band would be too tight.. thoughts?

    Updated on Jan 14, 2018 Flag this

    • I may be completely wrong, but in the last two pictures it looks as though you are quaking where the lace meets the rest of the cup. I wonder if the cup is too small perhaps?

    • 1

      I agree to what EmmaOh said that bra looks little too small, however 32E might be too large - you could try 30F instead? I owned one in 30E, forced myself to wear it and hated it. The wires were so uncomfortable, the gore was digging in and band was bit itchy, leaving bad red marks. I had also in 34D, and didnt fit well.

    • Definitely looks like in cup quadding to me.

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