I like this bra, and I bought two more of the same colour/same size! I guess I am a boring person like that (looks at Sonya's colourful bra collection...), but I got to have something to keep the girls covered! I thought about ordering the Megan Plunge, https://www.bratabase.com/browse/comexim/megan-plunge-653/, just to have this same style in a different colour, but then I also read that their black bras can run tight?? and I didn't want to risk it not fitting, when I really need a few good-fitting bras a.t.m.
My shape: FOB, projected, both narrow roots with average root height, centre-full.
Some thoughts on ... this bra: since I live in Canada, I'm thinking this bra will do well as a 3-season bra - fall, winter, spring. Since it is a padded bra, I'm thinking I might want something lighter for the summertime, but if I lived in a hot climate, this might only work as a winter bra...not sure. I did live in California for nine years (the central valley) and I probably wouldn't wear this type of bra in the 100F+ summer weather, I just would sweat too much.
As soon as I tried on this bra, I was like, "I will take two," it fits that well, lol. Of course, I'm comparing to the poorly fitting 32DD/34DD bras from V.S. that I was stuffing myself into before I discovered by ABTF size, sooo...this is obviously much better.
There is a handy dandy app now, created by Reddit users u/mathandplants, u/EuphoricToe1, and u/winsbe01, that helps one convert her UK size ---->Comexim size, or her UK size ------> Comexim bra size when ordering from Breakout Bras (if that makes sense...if any ? ask below) Here is a link to that app http://comeximcalc.herokuapp.com/
Of note: on the Breakout Bras website, they recommend "sizing up" 1 or 2 cup sizes. According to ABTF mods, this is a bit simplified; depending on what one's cup size is, she should size up 1,2,3, or even 4 cups sizes. Honestly, now that the app has been invented-- as long as one has determined her accurate UK bra size--I think it's better to use the app as a starting point, and she shouldn't be that far off for Comexim sizing. Those are my thoughts on sizing!!
It can be confusing when ordering Comexim bras from Breakout Bras since they use different labels.
I find this bra to be very comfortable and supportive, I like what it does to my posture. Furthermore, the colour works well as nude, and it doesn't show through any of my clothing, even a very thin shirt. At first I thought it was a little itchy, but it doesn't really bother me anymore. At this price point, I have very few complaints about this bra; I recommend it for people who are a similar shape/size as me.
disclaimer: from my opening paragraph, I'm not saying this bra is boring in any way. It has a simple aesthetic that I enjoy. It's understated. Plus, it works for me b/c I wear a lot of thin shirts (in Canada, yes...the heat is always pumping), and this bra doesn't show through colour or texture: in my opinion, it's a good workhorse bra. I think this also doubles a T-shirt bra for me.
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Nude colorway
Updated on Apr 14, 2021 Flag this
Your jokes crack me up “I guess I’m a boring person” lol. Not boring, we all have our preferences and what works for us! Glad this worked out for you. I think you’re assessment is accurate that you’re likely not as FOB/short rooted as you thought if this works for you. Yay comexim win!