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Bras » Comexim » Irish Coffee Plunge Bra (335) » 60N 28:14

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage68.6
B. perimeter34.3
Stretched Band71.9
Band Length56.4
Cup width15.5
Cup depth29.8
Wire length27.2
Cup height21.0
Cup separation1.8
Gore height8.3
Wing height11.9
Strap width1.9

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  1. 5

    Used to fit

    My shape: semi-conical, splayed, narrow width, tall shallow roots. My breasts don't conform to bra shapes very well and are quite short.

    I love the brown and cream colour on this bra, though if it is called Irish cream, shouldn't the bows have been mint instead of pink? Mine has a small gold disk on the center gore instead of a sun like some of the other photos.

    This bra has one of the snuggest bands I own, measuring at 28". The cup height on this plunge (8 3/8") and the angle of the cups make it feel not so plungey. More like a plungeconet. I feel very secure in ... this bra. Measurement wise, it is very similar to the 60N - Comexim » Patricia Plunge Bra (427) , however it feels completely different because of the cup height. The straps are wider set and chafe more. This bra definitely encourages me to stand and sit up straight to eliminate chafing. The cups feel warm and hold onto body heat more. Still, this is a lovely bra and other nice introduction into Comexim plunges.
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    This bra is not owned any more

    Updated on Nov 23, 2017 Flag this

    • 3

      Plungeconet! The perfect term to describe Comexim plunges ;)

      I love this style, wish they still made it.

    • 1

      It looks so great on you!!!

    • 1

      Thank you :)

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  2. 2

    Used to fit

    It fits!! I love this bra so much. I know some people don't love the color choices but I'm a pinkaholic.

    I just love how deep the cups are with such a small width. The band measured about 27.5 stretched, so this was pretty snug (27 underbust, 41 bust at time of review). It was the most snug of the three Comexim bras I ordered.

    Edit to add: I completely forgot I customized this bra by lowering the gore, cup height, and having three hooks (I think the hooks might be standard though).
    This bra's measurements have been altered

    Updated on Jun 02, 2015 Flag this

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    • IC is such a beautiful bra! And so comfy too! Ive been in love with it from the moment i saw it. Sadly i got it in a 65L when i really need a 65M/60N so it was too small to make it work :( I really need to follow you since were about the same size it seems! Itd be nice to have someone i can actually swap with and stuff someday! :)

    • Hey! I read many of your reviews during my most recent search. I may have even purchased one from you, but I might be wrong...

      I followed you back. It's hard to find people in this size range and I'm sorta addicted to bras. Speaking of swapping - I may have an IC in 65M I can part with, I don't know if it's been customized though.

    • Yes i think you did! The Juliette! :) Its SO tough! Even reselling these bras can be difficult with these sizes :( That always bums me out because i know we arent the only two out there! Awhh shoot if it was reduced cup id definitely take it off your hands! I can probably manage with any gore. But those damn tall Comexim cups attack me haha ;)

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