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Bras » Comexim » Rosettes Half Cup » 70J 32:10

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage78.7
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band79.7
Band Length62.1
Cup width15.3
Cup depth25.3
Wire length26.4
Cup height17.0
Cup separation1.6
Gore height7.7
Wing height10.8
Strap width0.0

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    MY SHAPE: Projected, center full, close-set, tall and narrow roots.

    THE TAKEAWAY: Ordered as a three-part half cup, this bra has excellent depth. With my stronger-wires narrow-and-overlapped-gore customizations, it handles my center fullness pretty well. Band is very comfortable, possibly to the point where I should be wearing it one hook in. I will measure it and edit this if I'm right.

    DETAILS: Super round shape and mondo cakes-on-a-plate, in part because these cups fit me so precisely that they're almost to the point of being a smidge small. The cups are thinner, imho, than in some other Comexims I own, but still thick enough for modesty concerns.

    The color is ... a vibrant green that my photos don't do justice, with cornsilk-colored lace that gives a very dandelion impression. The lace definitely keeps this from quite being a t-shirt bra, but an even slightly thicker shirt should be fine, and it's so beautiful. I'm particularly taken with the black accents, and I like the little triangle window in the straps.

    I requested the alterations I did because this exact same bra with weaker wires just collapses in the center under the weight of my tissue. It causes a very peculiar fit problem that for a long time had me thinking I needed a K cup -- until I actually tried a couple and discovered that they were HUGE. Oops.

    On Comexim's website this bra is actually described as a full cup, which intrigues me, but I've had so much success with the altered 3HC that I'm sticking with it for now.

    One very minor note: lately all the bras I've bought from almost anywhere have had a little bit of extra fabric on the end of the rows of hooks, which really increases the comfort when you're on the loosest one. This bra doesn't have that, and I'm a little sad about that. It bumps this down from excellent to good in terms of comfort.

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    211 more words
    This bra's measurements have been altered
    Narrowed gore, overlapped gore, stronger wires

    Updated on May 12, 2017 Flag this

    • Show all comments (12)
    • 1

      Looks great on you! I actually think I prefer this bra as a 3HC now that I've seen it.

    • 2

      oh oops, I just realized it comes as 3HC. Well, it definitely looks good on you then, because when I've seen it before it never struck me as being as beautiful as it looks here.

    • 1

      Gorgeous!! Thrilled you found alterations that worked. Squeal :-)

    • 1

      wow, thats gorgeous

    • 1

      Wilderness1 no you were right the first time, it doesn't. That's why this bra is labeled CUSTOM ORDER ONLY in small print! If you want it as a 3HC you'll have to order it that way too. Also thank you!

      Love4Pollinators me too ;o;

      dbmamaz isn't it?! I knew I had to have it the second I saw it...

    • I wish i could think of any reason I would need that bra . . . but hubby really doesnt much like most bras (just a black lace or two), I'd have to do a LOT of work to figure out the customizations I'd need, and . . . it probably still wouldnt be a good enough fit to wear much. Sigh. (I have one 80M unlined 3hc which I got 2nd hand)

    • 1

      Can you explain more about the stronger wires customization? Do I just say, hey, gimme those stronger wires for my heavy boobs kthnxbai?

    • That's such a beautiful bra, and an awesome fit. How's the depth towards the center?

    • triumphof i order through BraObsessed so I'm not exactly sure. I started out by asking for firmer wires but Jaimie has said "stronger" every time. I think stronger wires is your phrase!

      gratiat if you tell me exactly where you measure to get the numbers you need I can try and put my tape measurer there. I've never been confident in my cup depth measurements D: Somehow I seem to wind up with the number 11 a *lot*.

      I will say that depth at the center is a big need of mine and while I settle into this bra with cleavage, I don't fall out or quad. The fit still feels great.

    • rainbrasspetals That's good to hear. I'm not in your size range, but I find that half cups tend to feel super unstable on me because of the lack of center projection.

    • rainbrasspetals ooh, thanks!

    • Love the review! I love green and wouldn't have guessed this one to be green (doesn't look green on Comexim's site either) so thank you for putting that in your review. This will be my next Comexim for sure!
      When I've customized directly through Comexim, I've just sent Anna @ Comexim an email asking if it was an available option and her reply has been to just add the request in the notes section when ordering. So far it's always just been a custom size for me, but I'd assume it would be the same with any customization request. Anna is super nice so you could always email her and ask to make sure!

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    Hasn't set fit

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    Added on Jan 15, 2021