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Bras » Curvy Kate » Arizona Balcony Bra (CK3801) » 30J 30:13

Measurement Cm
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Fits ribcage74.6
B. perimeter0.0
Stretched Band80.0
Band Length60.4
Cup width15.9
Cup depth32.4
Wire length31.2
Cup height22.4
Cup separation1.9
Gore height8.8
Wing height10.7
Strap width2.3

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    Didn't fit

    Yes! The bra came early and I'm so excited that it fits, I pushed the wires to give me .75" at the gore it still doesn't tack, but I have close set boobs so I expected that. When I did push it in I only had at most 4mm of overflow so still good besides it's not there when not tacked. Because this is CK the wires are wider than I need but not too much and I do have 1 finger of space if I pull it all the way up to my IMF and 1.5 fingers when my boobs push them down. the cups are also ... a touch too tall. Despite all of this it is the best fit I have gotten to date, so I'm a little teary eyed lol. I can actually keep this bra because:
    *I'm not quadding out of it unbelievably
    *the wires aren't so firm that I have to reverse scoop or risk marks due to my center fullness
    *the straps aren't so tight my arms lose circulation
    * and best of all... the cups aren't so tall that the bra is stupidly too big and too small
    I am happy but I still haven't found the perfect one yet.

    Happily still looking,

    Your fellow bratabasian

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    Jean multi colorway

    This bra's measurements have been altered

    Updated on Nov 03, 2015 Flag this

    • Show all comments (7)
    • im happy for you :)

    • Thank you I also have a question how many inches can I take off my perimeter in a bra? I have semi soft boobs and my largest perimeter is 14" and smaller is 13.5"

    • That's just great! Congratulation! My friend recently discovered the Arizonia too. She just loves it. This was after breaking wires in Freya Decos and having a horrible time with @Elomi and @Pinache bras. :)

    • Had to comment because I haven't seen anyone else mention the problem of tall cups (for me it was tall outer edges of cups) making a bra simultaneously too small and too big! I was practically falling out towards the center in the
      65N - Comexim » Burgundy Half Cup (357) and had all this extra fabric towards the edges. I noticed you have had luck with a comexim plunge as well and that has been my only fit so far- and I do still have some slight gaping below the straps and they're definitely too wide. I think the alterations you described for your Gina Plunge would really help me as well! So now I'm starting to wonder if I have short roots as well! (How do I tell?)
      Maybe we're boob twins! In which case, I wonder if the Arizona would work for me too... Thanks!

    • chirality there are a couple of ways to tell if you have short roots and I will attach some links for you to view. By definition (vertical roots), tall roots have tissue that is close to the collar bone and short roots have tissue further away. But let me first tell you my recent findings, because the actual placement of your bust affects your results. To tell your bust placement find your natural waist, place your hand right at the tip of it under your boob, and place your other hand flat against your skin above it with your hands touching. If you cannot place both hands under your IMF, you are high-set and consider this tall roots. If you can blace both hands right under IMF, this is medium placement and you will have to look at tissue to determine your roots by lying down. If you can fit 2 hands with left over space this if low set and you will also have to look at tissue placement by lying down.

      The empty space that we find at our straps (me x I'm assuming you) is a combo of things, first if you have high set boobs we do technically have tall roots because our tissue is right at our collar bone, but because our bust is so high up it leaves extra cup space because it was made for someone with a medium or low set bust. If you also happen to be center full, we are on the other hand lacking outer tissue so it leaves space at the straps/outer top of cup. Another thing that may increase the noticeability of this is if you have short roots horizontally, leaving more space at the straps and outer side of the cups. This can result in the dreaded "too big and too small" effect. I don't wear this any more because it is too irritating to wear, but I can give you a better idea of the effects of the alterations in Comexim if you want.

    • MissAponii So helpful! I was completely confused by the hand thing at first - I couldn't picture it, but I did a quick google and found this where the picture instantly explained it. I always assumed I have a long waist because I have a long torso and short legs, but I could only fit one hand between my underbust and narrowest point of my waist! So I'm short waisted, I never would have guessed!

      So - let me make sure I understand, a short waist makes one functionally high set? And being high set means you technically have tall roots? But since they aren't "really" tall roots and I also have narrower roots, there is extra space in the bra under the straps. So I still don't know if I actually have short roots or not... but I gather that doesn't matter that much for fit? This would make sense, I read that a "normal" set breast IMF is 5-7" below the armpit. The Comexim burgundy you commented on has a 5" wing and that cut in to my armpit uncomfortably, so I think mine must be higher set than average even without taking the waist into account. I also have discovered recently that I require short wires and am now reading that this can also be part of having high set breasts - the wires need to be shorter or they dig into armpit or center tissue. I am definitely center full as well and I see how that can add to the side gap problem.

      Thanks so much for your help, and looking at your bras at least I have a few ideas of what not to try too!

    • You're welcome chirality, yes my IMF is a little less than 5" maybe 4.75" so things dig into my arm pit like this bra, one bra actually cut me 😞, on occasion the wing might not bother me, perhaps because the straps are moved in. I recommend you start moving them in 2cm, but I do 3cm because my bust is really heavy on my body and I need that extra level of support. Also have you tried ordering directly from Comexim, I always do because some here have commented that the fit from Comexim US retailers are different than direct order.

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