Ive been wearing this bra for months and its best ck bra That I ever had seriously I mean I got wide root, spread breast tissue, very firm, little bit of fot and plus extremely short torso - I always need fully adjust bra when its half adjust strap bra I need to sew The strap to fit on me again. - I have lovely various uk bras but so far for me CK is best but ive never had like CK MODELS' shape. I know they are real woman not professional models but looking their photos then looking at my boobs it wasn't that sexy sadly That ... was what I felt. However ive got model picture bra just exactly pop out looking good without photoshop!!!! Plus without any quarter boobs!!!!!!! For me pirtia and tease me bra gives me best shape but not as much as this!!! But I do agree with others that this bra has stretch band and yes it is. I am just 70cm little bit less Than 28in. But I think its more like 30 ish. Also I do work out I have flat belly. There isnt much fat on my belly. But sometimes when I bend my back to pick up something or etc., its flipped then I had to make it right again I think maybe Ck has to put some silicone not to be flipped or change this thin band to more thicker and less stretch band X) there is side bond using in corset under the armpit side but there is not right through the under the front-cup side. So maybe thats why its flipped That well. says They got bigger cup well I think they got bigger cup compareed with ex bra construction. It seems bit bigger and deeper just little bit. Oh speaking of cup its bit pointy slightly pointy very slightly. Its reminds of ewa balcony construction. Still round but compare with tease me, tease me is more like super round and exact hemisphere but This is more like bit pointy and still round plus bit upward like entice bra. But def not small like ex ck bra used to need to size up 1 or 2. Its my first and one and only 2014 s/s collection bra that I got and I ve waiting for months till comes out to the world. Howevet if they changed their bra cup construction like this I darely assume RITZY BRA's cup design won't same as tease me. Anyway it was worth to wait definitely. The design of this bra is very delicate and sophisticate And very subtile. -omg ive never put These nice words on bra description- the lime colour on Top of the cup is not fully lime. Its mingled. Super pale baby pinl and apple green-ish lime. I guess there is only 30~35% of lime colour on top. And seemingly The colour of cup is super pale pick like the pale baby pink thread I said. However inside of cup has same colour of band. Lovely pink. The combination of this all is simply gorgeous. Btw I put good in comfort becuz of band I think band needed to be changed till f/w black come oh wait. Its already there!! So sorry all The massive mass writing. I just wrote it when the words just pop out. Thank you for read this all!!!!
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- This bra's measurements have been altered
- Altered band,
This bra is not owned any more
Updated on Oct 01, 2014 Flag this