My breasts: projected (immediate projection), even, short roots, narrow/average roots, close set, some center fullness
This bra is a darker orange than the CK photo shows. I love it though. The colour is really nice and the green ribbons are just perfect match. I like the little dreamcatchers on the bra although I gotta admit the bra itself is quite simple. But it's the colour I love.
I had this same bra in 36G first (biscotti colourway) and it was too small for me. I don't own that bra anymore. However I did like how it feels so i wanted to try it on bigger size. I tried 36GG first ... but noticed it was too small and gave me an awful shape. So I figured I need one cup size bigger to fix the shape issue. I was kinda wrong.
This bra still gives me a strange shape. My boobs look really sad on this bra. I have heard some people talking about upside down seven, but I don't think this is the shape that means. There is no extra angle on the shape it's just.. pointing down. I don't like the shape but, not sure if it's THAT bad. Meaning I think I could wear the bra with certain clothes, ie. nothing too tight. (then again I never really wear anything really tight, so that's not an issue).
Otherwise the bra feels nice and comfortable. It is just the shape that is causing some headache, so to speak. So far no poking or itching or anything. Will update the review if such things will happen later.
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Melon/Apple colorway
Updated on Nov 18, 2016 Flag this