Ellace appears to be one of those bras people either love or hate. I fall closer to love, but I understand why some may fall into the hate category. It's beautiful, IMO, and confortable - 2 major plusses in my book - but is bouncy as all get out. The fabrics are soft and smooth and very lightweight ("flimsy" I have heard it called), but that endears it to me. I have always had kind of industrial bras until recently, and I love the delicate airiness of Ellace, especially now in the summer. Plus, it actually has enough and the right kind of projection for me, able to ... lift, but also round. The roundness also charms me. It's not as molded as, say a Cleo bra, but rather swoops gracefully down with a cute upturned nose at the end. At least on me - even, but functionally with short roots and FOB. And the wings are low and the wires don't poke my armpits - yay!!
It bounces. It does. But I love it, and choose to turn a blind eye.
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Teal colorway
Updated on Jul 20, 2019 Flag this