Bras » Curvy Kate » Tease Me Padded Bra (SG2001)
Curvy Kate Tease Me Padded Bra (SG2001)
AW2009-SS2014 More...
A little small but next size too big
3 suggestions
I just want a bra that fits, please help :(
4 suggestions
1 suggestion
Please hell Again think is to small
3 suggestions
Wires too narrow, cup too small?
5 suggestions
Too big or is it just how this bra works?
4 suggestions
28D CK Tease Me: too big/small/deep?
9 suggestions
Best way to even out breast size?
3 suggestions
Gap at top of cup -- wrong shape or wrong size?
3 suggestions
Cup Fit?
4 suggestions
Band too big / cups too small? Which size should I try??
4 suggestions
Does this bra fit? I can't tell, it quadboobs almost.
1 suggestion
Wire jabbing sternum and underarm painfully
3 suggestions
similar (but bigger bras) to the Show Girl's from Curvy Kate?
1 suggestion
Neither the cup or the band fit right.
5 suggestions
Is this OK?
2 suggestions
Slight quadboob, keeper?
2 suggestions