Band size seems very accurate (especially compared to my PL Kaprys with its black trim and elastic) and ~6 months into 2x/3x weekly wear, I am still usually fine on the first row of hooks.
The gore is sufficiently low to miss my bit of what I assume is congenital symmastia—as are all PLs. The wires are narrow but not exceedingly so (I'd prefer they were!).
Overall, very comfortable aside from some slight underwire pain at the end of the day that I assume is from the cup size being a bit too small. In hindsight, a 65H would've been a better fit IMO, but I couldn't find bigger than 65GG on either Ewa's site or Miscezki where I ordered from. Oh well, still the best-fitting bra I've ever had despite some spilling into the center!
The bottom lace trim does tend to roll up after hand-washing and while wearing.
Updated on Oct 03, 2024 Flag this