Bras » Ewa Michalak » Pl Toffik (151)
Ewa Michalak Pl Toffik (151)
SS2011 - Padded plunge bra with smooth toffee coloured fabric and no vertical lace on the center gore More...
32:5 70DD
Too small or not ? too pointy ?
2 suggestions
28:10 60GG
Tight band, cup wrinkling
4 suggestions
28:9 60G
What size should I order (part 2)?
1 suggestion
38:8 85FF
Weird Shape?
3 suggestions
34:8 75FF
Are the cups too small, or is it just the cut?
4 suggestions
30:7 65F
Ewa too big... where should I start?
3 suggestions
38:9 85G
Help with Ewa Michalak fitting
3 suggestions
26:14 55JJ
How many cupsizes too small + other issues?
5 suggestions
28:9 60G
I think this is a good fit, clarification?
2 suggestions
28:8 60FF
Lost my EM virginity.
3 suggestions
34:2 75B
What do you think of this bra ?
4 suggestions
34:9 75G
Another Ewa question
4 suggestions
30:6 65E
Cup shape or size issue?
4 suggestions
34:14 75JJ
Too tight, or not? Cup too big?
4 suggestions
42:13 95J
Help with Ewa Michalak PL Burgund 95J
1 suggestion
32:11 70H
Burgundy boobies - a plungy question
2 suggestions
32:15 70K
EM gives odd square shape - wrong model?
4 suggestions
26:7 55F
Too small, good baseline - How many cups up should I go?
4 suggestions
34:8 75FF
First Ewa Michalak
2 suggestions
30:8 65FF
What is the right Ewa Michalak size for me? (Part 2)
1 suggestion